管理英语4Unit 5 学前热身 会话演练 边学边练 写作训练参考答案.docx

管理英语4Unit 5 学前热身 会话演练 边学边练 写作训练参考答案.docx

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Unit 5 Performance Evaluation学前热身 正确答案是:name?→ 姓名,?position?→ 职位,?job profile?→ 职位要求,?tenure?→ 任期,?comments?→ 评价,?strengths?→ 优点,?weaknesses?→ 弱点,?development trend?→ 发展趋势,?a plan of action?→ 行动计划 Listening and Speaking 1会话演练话演练 你可以点击下方人物头像角色扮演进行对话练习,也可以点击对话中人物的名称详细听每句话录音。 (After conducting a? performance assessment ?, the HR personnel is sharing the information with the assessed staff.) (完成绩效考核后,人力资源部有关人员正和被考核人员交流。) Fay:Hi, Steve. How are you this morning? 费:嗨,史蒂夫。今天早上一切还好吗? Steve:Very well, thanks. 史蒂夫:很好,谢谢。 Fay:OK … lets get down to the task at hand … your? bi-annual ?performance evaluation.? 费:好……让我们进入正题吧……谈谈你的两年一度的绩效考核。 Steve:So how did I do? 史蒂夫:我的情况怎么样? Fay:Well, in many areas you get? ?. You have a lot of? and your enthusiasm regarding work projects is very much appreciated.? 正确答案:high marks 正确答案:creative thoughts 费:嗯,你在许多方面得了高分。你很有创意,并且我们非常欣赏你有这样的工作热情。 Steve:Thats good to hear. I enjoy being creative and Im glad to see you? that. Now whats the bad news? 正确答案:appreciate 史蒂夫:很高兴听你这么说。我喜欢做一个有创意的人,我也很高兴能得到你的肯定。那么,坏消息是什么? Fay:(?chuckle?) Well, we all have ??in which we could do better. 正确答案:areas 费:(笑了笑)嗯……我们都有有待提高的地方。 Steve:And what are my areas? 史蒂夫:我有待提高的地方是? Fay:For starters, there is an issue of punctuality.??Youve been?clocking in?roughly 20 to 30 minutes late almost every day. 费:首先要谈到的是守时的问题。你几乎每天都迟到20至30分钟。 Steve:But I moved last month and the office is almost 40 miles away from my home now! Sometimes the traffic is really terrible. 史蒂夫:我上个月搬家了,现在办公室离我家有接近40英里(1英里=1.609千米)的距离!有时还堵车。 Fay:If it? ?me, Id love for everyone to come in at noon.??But the company requires all employees to be at work by nine A.M. sharp. Were a team and we all have to? 正确答案:were up to????正确答案:follow the rules/ 费:如果我说了算的话,我希望大家都可以中午再来上班。然而公司要求所有员工都九点准时上班。我们是一个团队,大家都必须遵守规定。 Steve:All right. I guess Im just going to have to wake up an hour earlier. 史蒂夫:好吧。我想以后只能提前一小时起床了。 Fay:Sounds like a good plan. 费:听起来不错。 Listening and Speaking 2边学边练 根据 \o 会话演练 会话演练环节




