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PAGE 2 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 城市商业银行股权结构对经营绩效的影响研究 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 年级专业: 指导教师: 助理指导教师: 二〇XX年六月 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘 要 摘要 近几年来,公司治理一直都是社会各界关注的问题,而股权机构作为公司治理的重心之一,受到了更大力度的研究和讨论。特别是随着近几年来我银行危机是有发生,银行的股权结构对于经营绩效的影响必然是一个值得考量的问题。商业银行是所有银行中对我国经济发展作用最大的银行,其经营绩效在很大程度上影响着我国社会发展的稳定。特别是在我国商业银行股份制改革和市场竞争的潮流下,很多商业银行纷纷上市并进行股份制改革。但这些过程都发生在一个较短的过程中,商业银行设置怎样的股权结构才能促进经营绩效的提升仍然是一个需要讨论的问题。本文先介绍了城市商业银行的股权结构和经营绩效的相关理论,接着综述了我国城市商业银行的股权结构特点与问题,从多个方面探究了城市商业银行股权结构对经营绩效的影响,并引出了有助于商业银行经营绩效提升的股权结构方式,最后从改善商业银行的股权集中度、优化商业银行的股权属性结构、合理引入战略机构投资者、增强对银行股东的监管四个方面,全面分析了优化股权结构以增强经营绩效的策略。 关键词 商业银行,股权结构,经营绩效,股权集中 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent years, corporate governance has always been a problem of the society, while the equity firms as one of the focus of corporate governance, has been studied and discussed more aggressive. Especially with the last few years I was a banking crisis occur, the equity structure of the banks operating performance for the impact of the inevitable is a question worth considering. All commercial banks are the Bank of Chinas economic development role of the largest banks, whose business performance largely affects the stability of our social development. Especially in the current joint-stock reform of commercial banks and market competition, many commercial banks have listed and joint-stock reform. But these processes take place in a shorter process, how to set up commercial banks in order to promote the issue of ownership structure to enhance operating performance continues to be a need to discuss. This article first introduces the theory of commercial banks operating performance and ownership structure, and then reviews the characteristics and problems of the ownership structure of commercial banks, many ways to explore the impact of the ownership structure o


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