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PAGE II 内 容 摘 要 产业升级对一国的经济发展有重要的现实意义,因此它一直是各国学者热衷研究的课题。很多学者从各个角度研究了产业升级的问题,比如从分工角度,政策支持角度,产业集群角度,比较优势角度等等。本文将基于创新视角,对浙江纺织业产业升级进行探讨,并且以浙江纺织业升级企业中有代表性的万事利集团为例进行分析。浙江纺织业近年来的发展表明,尽管纺织业在向高技术化方向迈进,但其发展仍然没有脱离以量的扩张为主的模式,也有过于依赖劳动密集型产业、科技创新能力不足的劣势。因此,努力创新,积极推动纺织升级是浙江经济发展必须关注的问题。 关键词:创新 纺织业 产业升级 ABSTRACT The study of industrial development have always caught the concern of researchers all over the world, for it has significant meaning for a country’s economic development. A lot of researchers have studied this problem from various perspectives, such as division of labor, policy support, industry cluster, comparative advantage, and so on. In this thesis, the author focuses his study on textile industry one of the leading industries in China as well as the leading power of economic growth in Zhejiang, analyze Zhejiang textile industry in the perspective of innovation,meanwhile, this title will take the Wensli Group Corporation as an typical example to analyze the textile industrial development in Zhejiang. The development of manufacturing in Zhejiang these years indicates it hasn’t been away from the pattern of expanding based on the quantity,though it is advancing to the direction of high technology, well as the disadvantages of depending too much on the labor intensive industry and the shortage of the ability of the science and technology innovation. Therefore, it is a problem must be concerned for the development of Zhejiang economy that how to innovate to promote actively the textile upgrade. KEYWORDS: innovation, textile, industrial development 正文目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 引言 1 第一节?研究对象、方法与路径 1 一、选题背景及意义 1 二、概念界定 1 三、研究的基本思路与方法 2 第二节?文献综述 2 一、与产业升级有关的国外文献综述 2 二、国内关于产业升级的研究 3 第二章 浙江省纺织业现状 6 第一节 概况 6 第二节 贸易现状 7 第三节 集群现象 9 第三章 浙江纺织业发展优劣势分析 10 第一节 浙江纺织业发展优势 10 一、地理区位优势 10 二、资本优势 10 三、产业集群优势 10 四、专业市场发育充分 11 五、已经形成了一批有竞争力的纺织企业 12 六、政府对纺织业发展的扶持 12 第二节 浙江纺织业发展存在的问题 12 一 、竞争手段单一,市场秩序混乱 12 二、技术创新


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