人教PEP六年级英语上册Unit6_C_Story_time 公开课课件.ppt

人教PEP六年级英语上册Unit6_C_Story_time 公开课课件.ppt

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Pair work: Try to continue the story. 同桌合作,尝试为故事编一个你喜欢的结尾,和同桌演一演! Do you want a friend like Zoom? Why or Why not? 1. Try to act the whole story out. (试着表演故事。) 2. Work with your partner and try to make the story longer and better. (尝试与伙伴合作,将故事结尾编得更长更好。) 3. Read the story Fish is Fish, A Friend for Little Bear, Stick and Stone. (以上几则关于友谊的英语绘本,请自由选择阅读。) Summary Homework close 人教PEP六年级上册 Unit6 How do you feel? Part C Story time MOOD 30秒钟内,同桌说一说与心情有关单词,比比谁说的多。 excited When I …, I’m very happy. Maybe … I’ll go and make some. 请你来演一演Zip觉得很开心的原因,语句可以不同哦~ Tick, tock. Tick, tock… After 30 minutes… 30分钟过去了…… Maybe Zoom … Zip在等待的过程中,心情是怎样变化的? 如果不会用英语表达,就把情绪演出来吧! My favourite TV show is on soon. Let’s watch it. Do you have any popcorn? I’ll go and make some. He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum! Where is he? I’m a little worried now. I’ll go and check. Oh! Zoom, what are you doing here? I’m making popcorn. What?! Oh, don’t be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath. Well, I planted the popcorn seeds. But they take a long time to grow. I’m still waiting. Oooooh noooo! Pair work: Try to act the story out. 同桌合作,试着表演故事! 1. Choose the part you like to act. 选择你喜欢的一个片段表演。 2. Act the story out creatively. 创造性地表演整个故事。 Pair work: Try to continue the story. 同桌合作,尝试为故事编一个你喜欢的结尾,和同桌演一演! Summary Homework close


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