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2017版交通运输专业本科培养方案 2017版交通运输专业本科培养方案 PAGE / NUMPAGES 2017版交通运输专业本科培养方案 交通运输专业培养方案 Curriculum for Undergraduate of Transportation Major 一、培养目标 本专业培养适应社会主义经济和社会发展需要,德智体美全面发展、 基础理论厚实、知识结构合理、适应能力强,具备数学、外语、计算机、 经济与管理等相关基础知识及交通运输与物流工程方面的专门知识,富有 创新创业精神和实践能力,能在交通运输企业、物流企业、交通运输装备 生产企业、商业企业及相关事业单位从事交通运输规划与管理、交通运输 组织、物流系统规划与管理等方面工作的高素质工程技术人才,期待毕业 生五年左右达到以下目标: 具备扎实的数学、自然科学基础知识,良好的人文素养、社会责任感和职业道德; 掌握交通运输专业领域的基础理论和专业知识,具有发现问题、分析问题,并综合运用所学的知识解决交通运输系统规划、运输组织、物流系统规划与管理、研究及应用过程中的问题的能力。 具有文献检索和资料查询的能力,了解交通运输工程技术前沿动态和发展趋势; 具有良好的表达和沟通能力以及团队合作和组织管理能力; 具有终身学习的意识 , 具备不断学习和适应发展的能力; 具有国际视野和良好的外语应用能力。 Training objectives This curriculum is designed to educate undergraduate students to be 1 high-quality applied talents who can meet the need of construction of socialist market economy, and own the full scale development in beauty, intelligence and physique. Besides, with the solid basic theory, reasonable knowledge structure, strong ability to adapt, basic knowledge of mathematics, foreign language, computer ,economics and management related and special knowledge of traffic and transportation, logistics engineering, they possess innovative entrepreneurial spirit and practice ability and can engage in transportation planning and management, transportation organization, logistics system planning and management in the field of transportation enterprise, logistics enterprise, transportation equipment manufacturing enterprises, commercial enterprises and related institutions. Graduates of this major are looking forward to achieve the following goals in five years. 1. Have solid knowledge of mathematics, natural science and basic theory of the humanities and social sciences, with a good cultural, social and professional ethics; Master the basic theory and professional knowledge in the field of traffic and transportation, an ability to find the problem, analyze problem, and use the learned knowledge to solve transportation system planning, transportation organization, logistics system planning and ma


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