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English Paragraph Writing 英语段落写作;段落写作;English Paragraph Writing;1. Paragraph Structure 段落的构成;Topic sentence 主题句;How to Write a Good Topic Sentence;Revised sentences: Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness机敏. Registering for college classes can be a frustrating experience for new students. Television benefits young children in three major ways.;How to Write a Good Topic Sentence;Topic and controlling idea;例1 The Women’s Movement has had several effects on the English language. 在这个主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是several effects,它规定了谈论的主题和内容。为了论证这个主???思想,作者应提供具体细节或实例来回答这样的问题:“What reasons did I have for saying several effects?” 有可能列出以下原因: 1)It has created Ms., a title for women comparable to Mr. for men. 2)The Movement has changed the ending of several compound words from –man to –person. 3) The Movement is responsible for some new terms. ;例2 Students on this campus recently voiced several complaints. 问题:该主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是什么? 答案: several complaints 所以在主题句后,应辅以细节来论证主题思想several complaints。有可能列出下列事实: 1)They voiced dissatisfaction with the campus lighting. 2) They expressed their disgust with the cafeteria food. 3) They protested the grading politics of the instructors.;例3 Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive habit . 该主题句中,主题是the habit of smoking cigarettes, 主题思想是Smoking cigarettes can be expensive。 在此句中expensive是表示主题思想的关键词,在展开 主题句的段落中,应论证吸烟的确是开销较大的一种习 惯。下面是一个说明主题展开的段落提纲。 1)Cigarettes cost about seventy-five cents. 2)The average smoker smokes two packs a day. 3)The annual expense for this smoker is $547.50. 4)The smoker must also pay for extra cleaning of carpets, furniture, and clothes.;How to Write a Good Topic Sentence;Which is a good topic sentence?;1. American food is terrible. 第一句作为主题句不合适,因为句子内容阐述过于笼统和抽象,段落扩展的发挥点不明确。 2. American food is tasteless and greasy because Americans use too many canned, frozen, and prepackaged foods and because everything is fried in oil or butter. 第二句缺乏概括性的特点,局限于某个具体事务,而在文字和内容上无法再进一步展开。 ;3. American food is tasteless and gre


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