Unit 3 Our animal friends(Period1 Story time)(教案)-2021-2022学年英语五年级上册.docx

Unit 3 Our animal friends(Period1 Story time)(教案)-2021-2022学年英语五年级上册.docx

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Unit 3? Our animal friends (Period1 Story time)教案 一、教学目标 a.知识目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词arm, body, foot, leg , tail, wing. 2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型I have… They have…It has…来描述人物或动物特征。 b.能力目标 1.培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧。 2.能正确理解文本,并能灵活运用本课句型描述自己的朋友。 c.情感态度目标 1.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。 2.引导学生关爱身边的动物朋友,构建人和动物和谐共处的生态环境。 二、教学重点 1. 能正确理解文本,并能流畅地朗读与表述。 2. 掌握文中的重点句型I have… They have…It has…,并运用于实际生活当中。 三、教学难点 正确理解句型:One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms.并能尝试运用。 四、教学准备 ?板书 , PPT ,卡通人物头饰,动物图片 五、教学过程 Pre-reading(阅读前) Step1. warm up Sing a song:“Head, shoulders, keens and toes ”. 【课前歌曲热身,激发兴趣。】 Step2. Greetings Step3.Free talk T: Today I’m your new English teacher. Look at me! S: … T: Thank you. I have black hair. I have big eyes and a small mouth. What about you? S: … 【读前渗透,引导学生运用目标语言进行自我描述。】 T: Do you want to know something more about me? Look at the screen. My name is… I can??????????????? . I like??????????????? . My animal friend is??????????? . ? ? ? ? T: What can I do? Look and guess! S: Can you…? T:… T: What colour do I like? S: Do you like…? T:… I have an animal friend. It has big eyes and a big body. It has no legs or arms, but it has big tail. It can swim. T: What’s my animal friend? Let’s read and guess! ? ? ? Present the new words: animal, body, leg, arm, tail. 【形式多样的猜测游戏,渗透文本内容,用身体语言帮助学生初步感知目标词汇】 S:Is it a…? T: My animal friend is fish. Today we’ll learn Unit 3 Our animal friends. While-reading(阅读中) Step4. Story time a.???? Listen and tick T: My animal friend is fish. Look at these children: Nancy, Liu Tao, Mike and Su Hai. They have animal friends, too. What are they? Let’s listen and tick. b.???? Read and match T: Open your book and read the story, then try to match the pictures. T/S: Nancy has two fish. Liu Tao has a rabbit. Mike has a dog. Su Hai has a parrot. 【初读感知,理解文本大意。】 c.????? Listen and repeat Present the new words: foot, wing. Present the new sentences: One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms. 【朗读指导,试着放手让学生自己朗读。】 d.???? Think and write T:Re



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