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2010 世博会博览馆,上海,中国 THE POLISH EXPO 2010 EXPOSITION PA VILION ,SHANGHAI,CHINA 建筑设计: WWA 建筑师事务所 ARCHITECTS:WWA Architects 参观者所选择的路线会影响他们对建筑物结构和内部装潢的审视。这条路线符合建筑 的逻辑。 入口是在建筑室内和室外相间的地方, 从各展览厅规划的广场很容易到达。 部分屋顶是叠合起来的,这样可以允许放一个露天餐厅,并为排队等候的参观者提供了这样工具。 正对入口的大厅包括了信息中心、 餐厅和商店。 之后参观者就会达到最高的展厅。 这是个充满了透过墙面镂空花纹而照射进来的阳光的地方, 形成了 “亮度对比” 的效果,展馆的内部墙壁也可以用来作为播放体现波兰城市生活影片的屏幕。 因此, 建筑的内部将会创造一个背景供表演使用, 比如直接描绘波兰经典的城市生活。 表演大厅的入口之上就是这个区域的入 口。辅助功能被设置在建筑的最底层,由坡道可以直通屋顶 。 沿着路线继续前行,参观者进入了一个城市未来主题展览区。底层的木制地板缓缓上 升,呈阶梯状变成了可以观看表演的观众席。 阶梯还将观众引导至展览坡道。 坡道悬浮在展馆空中通向建筑夹层中设置的波兰设计和当地酒吧。 最后的坡道通往屋顶的观景点。 从这里开始参观者开始向下的台阶, 沿着有绿色植物或建筑构成的路线, 到达了他们的起点展馆的 入口。 反方向的参观路线也经过精心的设计。 倾斜的屋面为安排露天电影、 戏剧或音乐会提供了可能。 外文: The outside structure of the pavilion and its reflection in the proposed arrangement of its inside functions impose on the visitors taking and following a route which is consistent withthe logic of the building. The entranceway —— an interlude betweenan inside and outside body of the construction, is accesible from the square marked out between the pavilions . The partial roof created by the fold in the building ,allows for arranging an open-air restaurant as well as for providing the queues of visitors a shelter from the elements . The entrance opens onto the hall containing the information centre , a restaurant , and a shop . Next the visitos proceed to the main ,full-height exhibition area of the pavilion . It is the space painted with the light filtering through the cut-out patterns of the elevation creating a 〝 chiarocuro 〞 effect, but also the place where thr inner ,solid walls of the pavilion can function as screenson which the screens of polish city life are projected . consequently ,the inner of the building will creat a background for scheduled performances and presentations,e.g.directly connected with depicting the life of a typical Polish marked place . The concert hall which is located above the entranceway roof can be accessed from this area . auxiliary functions have been des


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