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整理文本 Unit8 Topic2 SectionC 参考教案 Ⅰ . Material analysis 本节课是一节阅读课,主要活动是 1a和 3 。 通过阅读关于旅行注意事项的 短文,继续学习提建议的表达方式“ You should/shouldn’t...”, “Don’t go to...” 还将通过谈论旅行前和旅行中应该注意的事项, 巩固表示建议的句型; 另外, 还 将提供一个相对真实的写作任务, 训练学生利用信息构建一个表达建议的语篇的 能力;语音板块将学习辅音丛的读音规则。 Ⅱ . Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能够根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇: prepare, share, fun, carry, decide, dangerous, s等tay; 能够正确运用提出建议的表达方式,如: You should prepare well for it. You shouldn ’ t stay in the sun too long. Don’ t go to dangerous places. 能够掌握辅音丛的读音规则 : sc, sl, sm, sn, sk, sp, st, str, sw, scr, pr, qu 2. Skill aims 能够听懂征询和提出建议的对话; 能够征询和提出建议; 能够读懂关于旅行注意事项的短文,提高 能够写出建议信,注意对象和场合。 skimming 的能力; 3. Emotional aims . 整理文本 能够积极与同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践 乐于接触和了解祖国文化; 乐于和他人分享和交流。 Ⅲ . The key points and difficult points 能够正确运用表示建议和旅行注意事项的表达方式: Ⅳ . Learning strategies 1.能借助图片和问题有效猜测内容,提高预测能力; 2.略读能帮助学生初步了解短文的大意。 Ⅴ . Teaching aids 教学图片、多媒体、教学机和黑板 Ⅵ . Teaching procedures Step Introduction (6 minutes) teacher. Answer thework.Interaction teacher. Answer the work. patterns 1.The whole 1.Focus their class work and attention on the individual question: S1: I would like to take... S2: I would like to take ... S3: I want to take ... . ; should, shouldn ’ t, had better Teacher activity 1.Greet with students. Show the pictures of 2 in Section B and ask some students to answer the question: What would you like to take when you go on a trip? 2.Group work and individual work. 3.The whole class work. Presentation 1.Individual (15 minutes) work. 2.Individual work. 整理文本 S4: I plan to take... 2.Talk about the questions. Write down the advice on the blackboard. 3.Look at blackboard and attention to sentences on blackboard. the pay the the 1.Do 1a. Skim the passageby yourselves; Find out the main idea. 2.Read and underline the new words and expressions in the passage. 2.Point out a question: Can you give me some advice when


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