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( 此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改! ) I II 基于 Android 的日历系统的设计与实现 摘要 Android 系统凭借其良好的用户体验、低廉的成本及高开放性产生了巨大的应用量和 广阔的应用面。如今,基于 Android 系统的应用极为丰富,从输入法到影音播放器,从系统工具到网页浏览器, 从社交网络客户端到学习办公助手工具, 以及形式繁多的游戏应用, 都有力体现了 Android 平台的强大的适应性和发展潜力。 而日历应用作为智能终端的出厂必备控件,更是 Android 系统中不可或缺的一部分。而应用开发商力求为客户带来更好的用户体验, 将日历这一原本普通的生活用品打造成植于移动终端中的生活助手,且界面风格迥异,功能也是趋于多样化和一体化。 本文通过论述对基于 Android 的日历系统的开发的全过程, 研究了 Android 系统的开 发环境、核心构架、主要组件,展示了开发移动应用的一般过程,并对 Android 平台的背 景、现状和发展前景进行了讨论。本次项目所实现的日历系统,除了最基本的日期信息查询功能外,还具备了公历转换农历功能、指定日期跳转功能、当天日期定位功能和日程管理功能。通过转换功能,用户可将希望查询的公历日期转为农历日期;如果用户想知道某一天或某个月有什么节日,可以使用跳转功能;在主界面没有显示当月日期时,用户可通过定位功能回到当天日期;而日程管理功能则为用户提供了类似备忘录的平台。 关键词; Android;移动终端;手机日历;移动应用开发 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CALENDER BASED ON ANDROID SYSTEM Abstract Android system achieved a great number of users because of its excellent user experience,low cost and android system such as input methods,audiovideo players,system tools,web browsers,social networks,schooloffice softwares,games,etc,whichshow great adaptation and development potential of Android. Calender intelligent terminals and also a quite important part of Android system.App developers strive to improve the user experience so that they change the calender,a commonplace articles for daily use,into a kind of assistant for users,with different kinds of interface.And its function becomes more and more diversified and incorporate. This article is about the whole development process of calender based on Android system, the development environment,the core framework and the main module of Android.Also,we will discussthe background,the current situation and the development potential.The Calendar we enforce in this project contains functions not only the most basic date information inquire , but also other functions such as gregorian-lunar transformer,current date locator,eventsmanager.Users are able to transform gregorian dates they want to lunar dates by using gregorian-lunar transformer;If users want to check out festivals of dates,the skip fu


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