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严重Pilon骨折的手术治疗 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:严重Pilon骨折的手术治疗 1 1 临床资料 2 2 结 果 3 3 讨 论 4 文2:Pilon骨折的手术治疗 7 1 资料与方法 8 2 结果 9 3 讨论 9 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 11 文章致谢(模板) 12 正文 严重Pilon骨折的手术治疗 文1:严重Pilon骨折的手术治疗 Surgical Treatment of Severe Tibia Pilon Fractures Abstract:Objective To discuss the operative methods,timing choices and outcomes of surgical treatment of severe tibia Pilon Since May 1999 to Jun 2006,46 patie with severe tibia Pilon fractures were admitted and treated with limited internal fixation,limited internal fixation combined with external fixation or internal fixation with cloverleaf the cases were of type C fracture according to AO classification,there were 10 cases of type C1;22 cases of type C2;14 cases of type cases were open fracture and 35 close All cases werefollowedup form 8 to 48 momths,average 20 Mazur scale for ankle joint,the result of the treatment was evaluated as excellent in 21 patients;good in 12 patients;fair in 8 patients and poor in 5 included wound dehiscence in 2 cases;infection in 2 cases;osteomyelitis in 1 case and screw path infectio in 5 In order to get satisfactory results,it is important to have the right choice and timing of surgery and correct method of fixation in severe tibia Pilon fracture. Key words Pilon fracture;severe fracture;fracture fixation Pilon骨折是指胫骨下端累及关节面的骨折,为关节内骨折中较难治疗的一种创伤,不仅因为其本身为干骺端的严重粉碎骨折,而且使踝关节特别是胫骨负重面产生不同程度的破坏,其并发症多,病残率高[1]。虽然治疗的手段在不断更新和修正,但至今仍是临床上一个棘手的问题。为此,作者对1999年5月至2006年6月间手术治疗的严重Pilon骨折46 例作一回顾性分析,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 一般资料 本组46 例,男29 例,女17 例;年龄22~63 岁,平均36 岁。按损伤原因:车祸伤24 例,高处坠落伤12 例,重物砸伤6 例,绊倒扭伤4 例。按AO分型[2],C1型10 例,C2型22 例,C3型14 例。合并腓骨骨折者42 例,开放性骨折11 例,闭合性骨折35 例。入院后经胫骨下段、踝关节正侧位X线片检查证实,其中16 例行踝关节CT扫描。 治疗方法 所有患者入院后即予预防性抗感染、甘露醇及β七叶皂甙钠等治疗,同时作积极的术前准备。11 例开放性骨折均给予急诊清创复位固定,35 例闭合性骨折在伤后12 h内行急诊手术24 例,11 例闭合性骨折因受伤时间超过12 h且局部肿胀明显伴有张力性水疱,先予跟骨持续牵引,待肿胀消退、软组织条件改善后于7~14 d内完成手术。遵循AO原则,对合并腓骨骨折者,取小腿腓侧切口,采用重建钢板或1/3管形钢板,首先给予复位固定,以恢复腓骨的长度。其次重建胫骨干骺端关节面,取胫骨前内侧切口时应至少距腓侧切口7 cm以上,以保证胫


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