新概念英语第三册 精品课件-Lesson 3 An unknown goddess.pptx

新概念英语第三册 精品课件-Lesson 3 An unknown goddess.pptx

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lesson 3An unknown goddesscontentspart 1 background storypart 2 words and expressionsPart 3 Reading ComprehensionPart 4 Answers to the Exercisepart 1 background storyAchilles‘ HeelAchilles‘ HeelAchilles‘ HeelAchilles‘ HeelPandora’s boxpart 2 words and expressions补充词汇:decorate [?dek?re?t]v.equip [??kw?p] vt.beneath [b??ni:θ] prep.clay [kle?] n.statue [?st?t?u:] n.represent [?repr??zent] vt.preserve [pr??z?:v] vt. despite [d??spa?t] prep.补充词汇:decorate [?dek?re?t]v.装饰equip [??kw?p] vt.装备,配备; 使有准备beneath [b??ni:θ] prep.在…的下面;clay [kle?] n.黏土,陶土statue [?st?t?u:] n.雕像,塑像;represent [?repr??zent] vt.表现, 象征; 代表preserve [pr??z?:v] vt.保护; 保持,保存 despite [d??spa?t] prep.不管; 尽管goddess: n. -esswaitresshostessmistressactressstewardess [?stju:??des] tigress:(mother tiger)murderessgender(文)/sex ---female/malearch(a)eologist n. arch[ɑ:t?] 拱门+ology- 某种科学archaeology n. psychology physiology[?f?zi??l?d?i] biologysociologyecologygeology-ist: ……人;……家 terroristracist[re?s?st]specialist chemistphysicistcommunistracist……explore v. 考察,堪探,仔细检查explore the Arctic regions Internet Explorer We have explored several solutions to the problem.exploration n. explode [?k?spl??d] v. (blow up)The firework exploded in his hand.promontory n. 海角(凸起的)a high long narrow piece of land which goes out into the seacape n.a large piece of land with 3-side water the Cape of Good Hope channel n. 海峡:比strait长而宽的海峡the English Channelstrait n.海峡 指短而窄的海峡the Taiwan Straitprosperous adj. a prosperous country / industry prosperity n. prosper v. The country is prospering under a strong government.desperate、desperation、prosper、prosperityBackground Notes: America experienced the Great Depression in 1930s.(大萧条)After the bloom, everything is gloom. The business is in low time. civilization n. 文明 domestic adj.[d??mest?k] 家庭的,国内的,驯养的domestic market domestic violence domestic flightsStorey n. 楼层(Am.E.: story)Theres a nine-storey building next to the bank. drainagen. 排水,排水系统drainage syste


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