[渝粤教育] 集美大学 大学英语综合教程3 mooc 资料.docxVIP

[渝粤教育] 集美大学 大学英语综合教程3 mooc 资料.docx

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查答案,上渝粤教育: 渝粤题库 内 部 题 库 渝粤教育 (yuyueshool) 编制 中国大学MOOC-大学英语综合教程3-章节答案考试答案-集美大学【渝粤教育】 1.4 Quiz 1、【判断题】Winston Churchill achieved fame for his famous family. A、正确 B、错误 参考答案【 】 2、【判断题】Albert Einstein were smart in his childhood, and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today. A、正确 B、错误 参考答案【 】 3、【判断题】Abraham Lincoln’s strong will enabled him to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life. A、正确 B、错误 参考答案【 】 4、【判断题】The author cites the example of Sandra Day OConnor to show the importance of education. A、正确 B、错误 参考答案【 】 5、【判断题】The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire — a robust, fierce will and focus — that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail. A、正确 B、错误 参考答案【 】 2.6 Quiz 1、【单选题】The company may be reluctant to ________ too far from the basic terms of this agreement, but there are a number of things that are negotiable. A、deviate B、disconnect C、detach D、distract 参考答案【 】 2、【单选题】Let us be exact in what we say so as to ________ any possibility of misunderstanding. A、reply B、alleviate C、preclude D、proclaim 参考答案【 】 3、【单选题】His ________ to help the poor people earn him great prestige. A、dilemmas B、icons C、endeavors D、accommodation 参考答案【 】 4、【单选题】Members of society tend to cooperate ________ the goals they share. A、in reward of B、in pursuit of C、in view of D、in light of 参考答案【 】 5、【单选题】The pill cannot cure a common cold, but it can ________ the symptoms (症状). A、aggravate B、alleviate C、medicate D、bypass 参考答案【 】 6、【填空题】Industrial countries tend to support domestic production and thereby i_____ imports and encourage exports. (请根据字母填入正确的单词;填写答案时需填入完整的单词。) A、 参考答案【 】 7、【填空题】To truly achieve glory one must also u_____ the highest standard of sportsmanship and serve as a role model for other people. (请根据字母填入正确的


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