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Innovation, the key is t o play the leadi ng role of innovation in t he innovati on of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy. We have pla ced at the core of the overall dev elopment of science a nd te chnol ogy innovation Locati on a nd develop technolog y, bra ndi ng, quality as t he core competitive a dvantages of regiona l innovation, better use of the m ultiplier effect on e conomi c devel opme nt. To strengt hen scie ntific and technologi cal cooperation. Around the fore st and mineral resour ces of the de ep proce ssi ng, expl oitation of techni cal innovation to promote transfer, transformati on, a ppli cation and populariza tion of scientifi c and technological achievement s. We should improve t he system of science a nd te chnol ogy. T hor oug hly impleme nt the Central stream of deepening t he reform of science a nd te chnol ogy programme a nd the provi nce issued reg ulations on scientifi c and technologi cal pr ogress, promoting the regi ons science and technology e nterprises three years acti on plan, optimize the all ocati on of scientific
resour ces, maximum relea se i nnovation potential of scie nce and technology, and strive to better e nterprise in seed industry a nd beyond, and more new Board li sting. S oug ht to impr ove science a nd te chnol ogy pr oject s and admi nistration. Strengtheni ng science a nd te chnol ogy innovation pr ojects top de sign, and strive wit h nati onal and provi ncial Thirtee n-Five te chnol ogy pla ns, a ctively seek nati onal and pr ovincial major sci ence and technology projects, industrial projects a nd demonstration pr oject s, supporting sci ence and te chnology enter prises t o increase sci entific a nd te chnol ogical i nvestment i n resear ch and devel opment and technology, resear ch a nd Development Cente r, forming a number of te chnol ogies a nd products with indepe ndent intell ect ual pr operty rig hts. (Spe cific to the XX , we w ill conti nue t o do a good job in agri cult ural resear ch and demonstration
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