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leading cadres awarene ss of right in place, study the party Constit ution and party r ules, series of spe eches can make proper e ect. Party ca dres t o two lead by example, t o lead by example w e must cha nge our mind, recogni zing that two is important. First, learn t he Communi st Party Consti tution Party rules, learni ng lear ning series im portant speech by Ge neral Se cretary ca n e nhance t heory. Wit h the thir d revol ution t he rise of rapid changes i n our life are feeli ng, the Communists shoul d adhere to the theory of confidence w ill conti nue t o learn from t he voi ces of the times, t he ti mes, in tur n, wil l have new re quireme nts for lea ding party cadre s. Two is t he most basic meani ng of member s all mastering t he core t heory a nd t he most a dvanced weapons the ory, com plement the spirit of cal cium. S econdly, t he Communi st Party Constit ution Party rul es, lear ning l earni ng ser ies importa nt speech by General S ecretary be abl e to firmly build t he ideol ogical foundation. Under t he impa ct o multiple value s, the two is to hel p cultivate i ndepende nt judgme nt in numerous miscellaneous multipl e concepts, so that t he majority consensus of party members, the importa nt magic weapon of the party wit h the resona nce freque ncy. Fina lly, the Constituti on of the Communist Part y, party r ules, lear ning lear ning series important spee ch can stand cr owds, Ge neral Secretary position. Now, some grass-root s work in t he the ol d way di dnt w ork, hard way cannot, the new a pproach would not phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members a nd cadres not understa nding, does not meet. In fact, the mass convinci ng and identityBe hind are likely to be party member s and leadi ng cadres themselve s ignoring beliefs hel d, resulting in la ck of per suasion and sense of ide ntity. Two is in fact guarantee d party ca dres w ork, an important prerequisite for convincing t he masses. Bacon said i


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