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(2014秋)高三广东专版必修一Modules3-4综合能力测试题讲义 (2014秋)高三广东专版必修一Modules3-4综合能力测试题讲义 (2014秋)高三广东专版必修一Modules3-4综合能力测试题讲义 2014 秋)高三 ·广东专版 必修一 Modules 3-4 综合能力测试题 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空 (共 1 5 小题;每题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下边短文,掌握其粗心,而后从 1-15 各题所给的  A 、B、C  和  D 项中,选出最正确 选项。 My dad left me a treasure when he died. It wasn ’ta house or a car. It wasn’tcash or gold. It wasn ’t bonds or __1__ accounts. In the eyes of the world, my dad died a poor man. He was a __2__ mechanic who worked hard to support his family. My dad memories that he gave me over the course of his life. A particular memory stands out in my mind till  ’s __3__ was in a thousand wonderful __4__ I was just a boy playing in the backyard of a friend s ’5__ while my dad was under the covering of his old car trying to get it __6__ again. It seemed to take hours and I wasn ’t__7__ if he could bring the ancient auto back to life again this time. At last he closed the covering and turned the key in the ignition (点火器 ). There was a sweet smile of __8__ on his face as the engine started. There was a twinkle of joy in his eyes. And there was a quiet hum of happiness in his voice as we __9__ back home that day. This memory warmed my heart and became a __10__ pearl for my soul to cherish. Time and time again, my dad __11__ me that a good life, a kind life, a giving life, and a heavenly life was creating one choice at a time. Not all of his choices were the __12__ ones, but most of them were. He taught me that we could live the __13__ only if we did our best. As I look back into that treasure of memories my dad __14__ me, I realize that each one of them inspired me to live and to love: one __15__ at a time. 1. A. bank B. cash C. store D. home 2. A. rich B. simple C. promising D. terrible 3. A. money B. gold C. car D. treasure 4. A. today B. lately C. immediately D. before 5. A. treasure B. memory C. room D. house 6. A. swimming B. playing C. running D. twinkling 7. A. satisfied B. excited C. afraid D. sure 8. A. so


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