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《赢在高考 ( 英语) 》 (九) LT 安徽省 2013届高三英语一轮复习单元测试题(九) Unit 9 Wheels 随堂演练巩固 Ⅰ . 单词拼写 1.You can ’at English poetry unless you understand its rhythm. 【答案】 appreciate 2.He twisted his ankle while skiing,with the c that he was unable to take his exams. 【答案】 consequence 3.Will it be c for you to meet us tomorrow? 【答案】 convenient 4.The army o the whole country and they killed a lot of local residents. 【答案】 occupied 5.Mr.Brown felt very worried because his son was a 【答案】 addicted 6.It is their (责任 ) to ensure that the rules are to the drug. enforced . 【答案】 responsibility 7.She had an (争吵 ) with her husband last weekend. 【答案】 argument 8.I am surprised that you have got an unfavorable (印象 ) of him. 【答案】 impression 9.Maria is very (敏感) to what people think of her. 【答案】 sensitive 10.Two (行人 ) and a cyclist were injured in the accident . 【答案】 pedestrians Ⅱ . 选词填空 rely on in other words be fed up with take place be likely to pull out in consequence pull through on average go up 1.China ’s first lunar satellite be launched in April. 【答案】 is likely to 2.You can Peter to do whatever he promises. 【答案】 rely on 3.Fire will if the gases hydrogen and oxygen are mixed and lighted. 【答案】 take place 4.National income would next year by 8.6 percent. 【答案】 go up 5.London has 7.6 hours of sunshine per day during May. 【答案】 on average 6.The patient eventually after having had a close brush with death. 【答案】 pulled through 7.The train at noon. 【答案】 pulls out 8.From now on you needn ’t work here .,you are fired. 【答案】 In other words 【答案】 in consequence 10.He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he th


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