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UNIT 8 “Sounds like a good plan.”“Sounds like a good plan.”VOCABULARY BUILDERSHOWTIMEREADINGCHATTIMEUNIT 8CONTENTSWRITINGGRAMMARMY STORYThink about the following aspects of your life and share your plans with a partner.Sample:I’d like to get married before I’m 30.I’d like to build up a career in tourism.Listen and repeat.AComplete the sentences with words from Exercise A. married1. Mike and Jennifer will get ________ next month, but they still lack something blue.2. My _____________ goal is to become a pilot.3. If you work hard, you can ________ anything.4. Bill Gates is very rich. He is one of the most _______ businessman ever.5. Peter is a(n) ___________ at a big company. He will learn a lot there.6. My father has been a lawyer for 20 years. It is really good________ .7. What’s your ________ for this summer? We decided to go to France.8. Mary has a(n) ________ in History from Harvard University.long-termB常见的学位有以下几种:学士学位:bachelor’s degree硕士学位:master’s degree博士学位:doctorateachievesuccessfulinternLANGUAGE NOTECULTURAL NOTEcareersomething blue 出自习语something old, something new,something borrowed,something blue。意思是新娘在婚礼上穿带的东西里要有一件旧的、一件新的、一件借来的和一件蓝色的。“一件旧的”指新娘与娘家人的联系将不会中断;“一件新的”是祝福新娘即将拥有新的生活;“一件借来的”一般是从幸福的已婚朋友或亲戚那里得来,以传递幸福给新婚夫妇;“一件蓝色的”则是因为蓝色象征着爱情‘谦逊和忠贞。something blue 出自习语something old, something new,something borrowed,something blue。意思是新娘在婚礼上穿带的东西里,要有一件旧的、一件新的、一件借来的和一件蓝色的。“一件旧的”指新娘与娘家人的联系将不会中断;“一件新的”是祝福新娘即将拥有新的生活;“一件借来的”一般是从幸福的已婚朋友或亲戚那里得来,以传递幸福给新婚夫妇;“一件蓝色的”则是因为蓝色象征着爱情、谦逊和忠贞。plandegree参考译文Listen and complete the conversation.John: Welcome back to the show. I’m John Tyler. Tonight my guest is Kelly Zoidberg, CEO of TimeWaste, the incredibly (1) _________ social media website. Welcome the show, Kelly.Kelly: Thanks, John. It’s lovely to be here.John: Let’s start with your family life. I know you come from a big family.Kelly: Yes. I have eight brothers.John: Eight! It must have been interesting (2) _________ with so many brothers. How about your parents? What do they



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