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;;Read and complete the questionnaire about your exercise habits. ;;;;;女: 除了玩电子游戏和看电影,你还有其他爱好吗? 男: 有时间的话我会做运动。 女: 你在哪里运动? 男: 几个月前我加入了Bodyfit健身馆。 女: 我知道那里。它在格里尔大街的银行旁边。你在那里做什么运 动? 男: 通常我会先在跑步机上做30分钟的有氧运动,接着做30分钟的 举重训练。 女: 你多久去一次? 男: 我想一周去四次,但是我太懒了。上周我只去了两次。 女: 那也比我强。我从不去健身房。;;;calorie n. 卡(路里)(食物的热量单位) ;cardio n. 心脏强化锻炼 ;muscle n. 肌肉 ;routine n. 惯例;常规 ;stretch v. 伸展(肢体) ;treadmill n. 跑步机 ;vitamin n. 维生素;weight n. 哑铃;杠铃片 ;workout n.体育锻炼 ;yoga n. 瑜伽 ;;;;;Hector: What are you doing? Mateo: I’m exercising. Can’t you see? Hector: OK, I know what you’re doing. But why? Mateo: Exercise is good for you. You should make it part of your daily routine, Hector. Hector: Yes, I know. But at work? Mateo: Why not? If you exercise or stretch out at work, your muscles won’t be tight. Hector: If I exercise at work, my clothes will get messed up. Mateo: Don’t worry about your clothes. C’mon, try it. Hector: How do I do it? Mateo: Start by touching your toes. Then touch your knees. Finish by putting your hands on your hips. Hector: Like this? Mateo: Right. Hector and Mateo: One, two, three; one, two, three. One, two, three; one, two, three.;Mr. Patel: What’s going on here? Mateo: We’re exercising, Mr. Patel. Why don’t you join us? Mr. Patel: I can’t do that. I haven’t touched my toes in years. Mateo: It’s good for you. C’mon, try it. Mr. Patel: Well, all right. But not too fast! Mateo: Don’t worry. Let’s take it easy. Start by touching your toes. Then touch your knees. Finish by putting your hands on your hips. One, two, three; one, two, three. One, two, three; one, two, three. Mr. Patel: One, two, three; one, two, three. OK, Mateo. That’s enough for me. Mateo: That’s a good start. If you work out every day, it’ll get easier for you. Mr. Patel: Every day? Mateo: Being healthy is a way of life, Mr. Patel.


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