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NOMA 汇报PPT Introduction NOMA Basic 目录 Recent Developments Future Research INTRODUCTION For the next generation (5G) mobile communication systems Next generation (5G) wireless networks – 1000 times higher data rate than 4G – Extremely low latency(1 ms) Further Enhancement Of System Throughput And Spectral Efficiency Is Required The design of a suitable multiple access technique is necessary Multiple Access Techniques Can Broadly Be Categorized Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA) signals from different users are orthogonal to each other in orthogonal schemes (TDMA, FDMA,CDMA) Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA). NOMA can accommodate much more users via nonorthogonal resource allocation at the same time. NOMA Advantage: improved spectral efficiency Massive connectivity Low transmission latency and signaling cost PRINCIPLE: At the transmitter side, signals from various users are superposed and the resulting signal is then transmitted over the same channels . At the receiver sides, multiuser detection (MUD) algorithms, such as successive interference cancellation (SIC) are utilized to detect the desired signals. NOMA with SIC for a two-user scenario KEY COMPONENT TECHNOLOGIES OF NOMA Multi-user transmission power allocation Overall cell throughput, cell-edge throughput and user fairness are tightly related Scheduling algorithm Determine the best user set among all possible user sets. Receiver design Two kinds of receivers can be used for NOMA detection: symbol-level SIC, codeword-level SIC Combination with multiple antennas the two technologies can be combined to further boost the system spectrum efficiency. Overview Of The Recent Developments In NOMA 1MIMO NOMA TRANSMISSION MIMO-NOMA designs has been intr


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