哈希HACH-FP360 SC水中油分析仪操作手册-操作说明书.pdf

哈希HACH-FP360 SC水中油分析仪操作手册-操作说明书.pdf

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DOC023.97.90162 FP 360 sc 01/2010, Edition 1 en 53 Basic User Manual fr 91 Manuel dutilisation de base es 92 Manual básico del usuario braz pt 90 Manual básico do usuário zh 80 基本用户手册 ja 81 基本ユーザー マニュアル ko 84 기본 사용 설명서 English 3 Français 19 Español 35 Português 51 富盈 67 日本語 83 한국어 99 English Specifications Specifications are subject to change without notice. Measurement UV fluorescent measurement process for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measurement method Excitation wavelength: 254 nm Emission (measurement) wavelength: 360 nm 0 to 50 ppb and 0 to 500 ppb in relation to PAH calibration standard, corresponding to Low measurement range 0.1 to 1.5 ppm and 0.1 to 15 ppm of oil calibration standard Measuring range 0 to 500 ppb and 0 to 5000 ppb in relation to PAH calibration standard, corresponding to High measurement range 0.1 to 15 ppm and 0.1 to 150 ppm of oil calibration standard Display units


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