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肯德基KFC企业文化; KFC 全称为Kentucky Fried Chicken(肯塔基州炸鸡),总部设在肯德基州的路易斯维尔市。中国总部在上海。 肯德基是世界上最大的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,在世界各地拥有11000多家餐厅,遍布80多个国家。 ;是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,由哈兰·山德士上校于1952年创建。 肯德基属于百胜餐饮集团。百胜集团是世界上最大的餐饮集团,在全球100多个国家和地区拥有超过3.3万家连锁店和84万名员工。旗下拥有肯德基、必胜客、塔可钟(已于2007年10月在国内结束营业)、东方既白(中式餐饮)等世界知名餐饮品牌。 ; ;KFC企业文化;肯德基的经营理念: 前沿式文化:就是说当地人喜欢吃什么它就拼命推出什么 第一要意就是选址:蹲点调查客流的驻足量、年龄结构、文化层次等 开放式文化:兼济天下,狼群战术规模优势 文化品位高,时尚前卫规范标准 ;口号: 有了肯德基生活好滋味 (We Do Chicken Right) ;产品的三个主要元素; 主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、汽水等西式快餐食品。;可触之产品;增值产品;1930 In the midst of the depression, Harland Sanders opens his first restaurant in the small front room of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. Sanders serves as station operator, chief cook and cashier and names the dining area “Sanders Court Café ”;1952 Sanders begins actively franchising his chicken business by traveling from town to town and cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and employees. The first to take him up on the offer was Pete Harman in South Salt Lake, Utah.Together, they opened the first “Kentucky Fried Chicken” outlet.;1960 The Colonel’s hard work on the road begins to pay off and there are 400 franchise in the US and Canada. 1969 The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 1979 KFC cooks up 2.7 billion pieces of chicken. There are approximately 6,000 KFC restaurants worldwide with sales of more than $2 billion.;1980 Colonel Harland Sanders, who came to symbolize quality in the food industry, dies after being stricken with leukemia. Flags on all Kentucky state buildings fly at half-staff for four days. 1982 Kentucky Fried Chicken becomes a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds Industries. 1986 PepsiCo. acquires KFC from R.J. Reynolds. ;1991 KFC released its new logo which is colored. 1997 PepsiCo announces the spin-off of its quick service restaurants - KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut - into Tricon Global Restaurants(Yum! Brands). 2007 KFC proudly introduc


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