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沪教版三年级起点小学三年级英语下册全套PPT课件;Period 1; 1、能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red, white,yellow。 2、学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。;;;今天,我们来认识一下颜色。;blue;green;red;white;yellow;当我们想问别人:这是什么颜色时,可以这样说:;Listen and say;回答问题:;;All the colours are important in the world. They make the world colourful.;Homework: 1. Tell the story to your friends. 2. Write about your favourite colour.(写下你最喜欢的颜色。);Thank You;Period 2; 1、能在真实的生活情境中熟练运用句型What colour is…来询问物体的颜色,并能正确进行回答。 2、学会吟唱歌曲《The rainbow》。 3、复习26个英文字母。;Review;蜡笔小新身上都有哪些颜色?;What colour?;The rainbow Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow, In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow, In the sky.;Say and act;结果是什么呢?一起来分享下吧。;Review the letters;Sing together.;All the colours are important in the world. They make the world colourful.;Thank You;Unit 2 Tastes; 1、能在真实的生活情境中熟练运用句型Taste it,What is it?/How is it? Its… 2、学会吟唱歌曲Apple tree。;New words;lemon 柠檬 ;Listen and say;Taste it 尝一尝;Taste it, Kitty. How is it?;分角色表演对话;Play a game;Look and read;round 圆的;Sing a song;Learn the sounds;巩固练习;2、将下列水果分类。 apple orange lemon banana pear sour:____________________ sweet:______________________ ;Thank You;Unit 3 Sounds; 1、能听、说、认读生活中会用到的词汇:bike, bus, plane, ship, car, train。 2、能在生活中的真实情景中,熟练使用句型What can you hear?和I can hear…,要求模仿正确,语调自然。;Learn the new words;公共汽车;飞机;船;汽车;火车;Listen and say;Listen and say;Read in roles together. 让我们一起分角色朗读课文吧。;Tick and say;Enjoy a story;Listen! What can you hear?;Help! Help! Gu Dong is coming!;What’s Gu Dong?;Don’t worry. Look!;Think and write;Learn the sounds;Thank you.;Period 1;;zoo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Thank You;Period 2;;Review;;;Enjoy a story;;;;;;;;;;Thank You;Period 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Thank You;Period 2;;;Review;;;Listen and enjoy;;;Thank You;Period 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Thank You;Period 2;;Food and drinks 食物和饮料;;bread;口语练习时间;;;;;;;;


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