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第四课时 课时话题:Enjoy a story: The three stones 教学内容:活动手册P81 The three stones 教学目标: 学习关于三颗石头的故事,了解故事情节走向。 在学习故事过程中达成语言知识层面的学习。 运用本单元前三课时略读和精读的方法,了解故事梗概,掌握故事细节。 培养学生阅读策略和思维品质,学习故事中蕴含的道理。 教学重点: 引导学生运用略读+精读的策略来理解文章大意,掌握大致情节变化和提取关键内容。 教学难点: 难点所在:复述故事 因何而难:故事没有明晰的语言架构,为后期学生完成复述故事带来困难。 解难策略:提供语言支架及关键短语,并从beginning, middle和ending几个部分来分析故事架构,帮助学生理解、熟悉故事。 教学过程: 步骤 目的 师生活动 组 织 教 学 及 复 习 复习The Five Peas的故事情节及重难点。 延续单元主题,引出新故事The three stones。 延续情景,通过Read for the Title/structure/details来复习The five peas。其中以填空练习,让学生回忆故事的beginning, middle 和ending。 2.介绍新故事The three stones。 T: Good for you. You learnt The five peas well. And today, we will go on learning how to read the stories. Here is a new story for you. 新 知 呈 现 与 归 纳 1.初步感知故事文本,理解文章大意。 2.进一步感知故事,捕捉关键信息。 深度阅读故事,引导学生理解文中细节信息并提取文章主要框架。 1.观看动画,初步感知文本,回答问题。 T:What is the story about? Listen and choose a title of the story. The three stones How to see the world; Dreams 引出标题The three stones. 2.再次听读,分析结构。 播放音频,展示图片,将故事分为beginning,development和ending 3个部分, 请同学们将各部分的段落大意找出来连一连。 beginning There were three stones. development They had different dreams. ending Their dreams came true. 3.分段推进阅读。 Beginning: paragraph1 读图片,找错误。 T: Listen to the beginning. Once upon a time, there were three stones. They were in the same colour.(the same colour-different colours) T:What colors are they? They are black, yellow and blue. 提出问题,引起学生的阅读兴趣。 T: Besides the colors, are there any other differences among them? Middle: paragraph 2 听录音填空 T: What did they say? Let’s listen and fill. “I only want to sleep.” said the black stone. “I want to be useful.” said the yellow stone. The blue stone said:” I want to see the world!” 听录音匹配角色 T: What are the three stones’ dreams are? Please match. “I only want to sleep.” said the black stone. “I want to be useful.” said the yellow stone. The blue stone said:” I want to see the world!” 推测对话,明晰人物性格。 展示图片,学习对比laugh at和 make…laugh。 T:The other stones laughed at him and said something. What might they say? Good for you. You’re a




