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;(2)前台常用词汇;J=Jane (Receptionist)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good afternoon, Reservations. Can I help you? S: This is Stephen Nobel. I’d like to reserve a room for my friends. J: Oh, Mr. Nobel. What type of room do you prefer? S: A double room, please. J: For which dates? And how many guests will be arriving? S: From May 20th to May 22nd. Two persons. J: Hold on, please. One double room from May 20th to May 22nd. Yes, we still have rooms available. The rate will be RMB 680 yuan per night. S: OK, that’s fine. J: Can I have your guests’names, please? S: John White and his wife. Can you give us a special rate since ours is a company booking? J: There is a 25% company discount. S: Great. With or without breakfast? J: The room rate includes free breakfast. How would you like to make the payment, sir? S: My Visa Card. The card number is 6235 6695 4585 2695. J: Thank you. How will they be arriving? S: By air. Do you offer airport pick-up services? J: Yes. What is their flight number? S: Flight KW 760, arriving in Beijing at 1:00 p.m. on the 20th. J: OK, our hotel shuttle bus will pick them up at the airport when they arrive. S: Thank you. Goodbye. J: You’re welcome. Goodbye, Mr. Nobel.;J=Jane (Receptionist)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good morning, Rongjiang Hotel, Jane speaking. S: Hello, my name is Stephen Nobel. I need to cancel my reservation for next Friday, July 12th. Can you help me with that? J: Of course. Could you tell me your name and the reservation number, please? S: It’s Stephen Nobel and the reservation number is RJ7638HT. J: Mr. Nobel, that’s fine. I’ve cancelled your reservation for you. S: That’s good. J: There’s no cancellation charge because you’ve cancelled within our 48- hour cancellation deadline. S: Good. J: Would you like me to send you a confirmation email? S: Yes, please. Thank you and goodbye. J: Bye.;J=Jane (Receptionist)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good afternoon, Reservations. May I help you? S: Hello, this is Stephen calling from America S


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