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TED演讲者 :Jeff Kirschner | 杰夫.克尔施纳 演讲标题 :This app makes it fun to pick up litter | 这款行动应用程式 ,让捡垃圾变得有趣 内容概要 :The earth is a big place to keep clean. With Litterati -- an app for users to identif , collect and geotag the worlds litter -- TED Resident Jeff Kirschner has created a communit thats crowdsource-cleaning the planet. After tracking trash in more than 100 countries, Kirschner hopes to use the data hes collected to work with brands and organizations to stop litter before it reaches the ground. 地球之大 ,环境保护必须落实。透过 Litterati -- 一个提供使用者 ,将全世界的垃圾进行辨识、收集、标记 位置的行动应用程式 ,TED 演讲者杰夫·克尔施纳创造了一个以 「群众外包」来清理地球的社群。追踪了一百 多个国家的垃圾之后 ,克尔施纳希望利用这些数据 ,与業者及民间组织共同合作 ,以减少垃圾被丢弃。 www.XiYuS 锡育软件 This story starts with these two — my kids. 故事是从这两位开始的── 我的孩子 。[00:12] We were hiking in the Oakland woods when my daughter 当时我 在奥克兰森林健行, 我的女儿发现河里有 noticed a plastic tub of cat litter in a creek. 个塑胶猫砂盆。[00:16] She looked at me and said, Daddy?That doesnt go there. 她看着我说: 「爸比 ?」 「这不应该在这里。」 [00:22] When she said that,it reminded me of summer camp. 这句话让我联想到夏令营。[00:28] On the morning of visiting day, right before they d let our 在开放家长参观 日的早上, 在着急的家长来到营地 anxious parents come barreling through the gates, our camp 门口之前, 营地指挥官会说: 「快 !每个人要捡 5 director would say, Quick! Everyone pick up five pieces of 件垃圾。」[00:31] litter. You get a couple hundred kids each picking up five pieces, 几百位孩子,每个人捡 5 件垃圾, 很快的,营区变得 and pretty soon, youve got a much cleaner camp. 干净许多。[00:40] So I thought, why not apply that crowdsourced cleanup 于是我在想, 为何不将这种 「群众外包」的 清理方 model to the entire planet? 式套用在整个地球上 ?[00:46] And that was the inspiration for Litterati. 这就是 Lit



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