37.商务软件解决方案 -46 届世界技能大赛山东省选拔赛 项目样题.pdf

37.商务软件解决方案 -46 届世界技能大赛山东省选拔赛 项目样题.pdf

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第46 届 世界技能大赛山东省选拔赛 商务软件解决方案样题 Session 1 第 1 阶段 INTRODUCTION 介绍 In this session, you will be starting the development of Skills Competition Management System 2020 application and its database. You have been provided with some system documentation so that you can build the system according to the needs. Take time to look through what has been provided. 在本阶段,你将为 “2020 中国技能大赛管理系统 ”开发应用程序和数据库。现已提 供给你 一些系统文档以便你能够根据需求来开发系统。你需要仔细阅读提供给你的资料。 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMPETITOR 对选手的说明 By the end of this session, you will need to have the following deliverables ready to submit so that the system will be finished on time. 在本阶段结束时,你需要交付以下可交付成果,以便所开发的系统能够准时完成。 Make sure that you follow the provided style guide throughout all parts of the system. 确保在整个系统开发中都遵循风格指引。 Make sure that you provide appropriate validation and error messages throughout all parts of the system. 确保在整个系统开发中提供合适的验证和错误提示信息。 Make sure that all relevant buttons/links are working at the end of the session. 确保在本阶段末时,所有相关的按钮/链接都运转正常。 Make sure that you use appropriate naming conventions for all parts of the system as needed. 确保在整个系统中都按照需要来使用合适的命名规范。 DELIVERABLES (SESSION 1) 可交付成果(第一阶段) 1.1 USE CASE DIAGRAM DESIGN 用例图设计 USE CASE DIAGRAM DESIGN 用例图设计 The Business Description about Shanghai Travel Agency is provided in the materials. You are required to analyze the system functions according to that introduction, and design the Use Case Diagram. 素材文件中提供了上海 SH 旅行社的业务描述。请你根据业务描述,分析系统功能,幵绘 制 用例图。 1.2 DATABASE DESIGN 数据库设计 DATABASE DESIGN 数据库设计 You need to design a database for the system used by SH Travel Agency. You do not need to develop that system. All you need to do is to provide ERD-Database Diagram and Data Dictionary. 你需


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