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Stock Code 股份代號: 2199
2021/22 年度報告
Founded in Hong Kong in 1998, Regina Miracle International 維珍妮國際(控股)有限公司(「維珍妮」或「本公司」)及其
(Holdings) Limited (“Regina Miracle” or the “Company ”) and its 附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)於1998年在香港創立,是全
subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group ”) are a global leader in the 球領先的貼身內衣製造商。維珍妮透過採用創新設計製
intimate wear manufacturing industry. By adopting an innovative 造(「IDM」)業務模式,憑藉電腦模具設計與製作、立體
design manufacturer (“IDM ”) business model and building on a 模壓成型、無縫黏合三大核心技術打造多元技術矩陣,
diverse technology matrix with three core technologies: computer- 為長期合作的國際知名品牌夥伴開發及製造多項引領
aided mold design and production, 3D compression molding, and 市場的暢銷產品,涵蓋貼身內衣(包括胸圍、內褲、塑
seamless bonding, Regina Miracle is able to develop and produce 身內衣)及胸杯、運動產品(包括運動胸圍、功能運動服
market-leading products for its long-standing world-renowned 裝)、消費電子配件、鞋履產品等幾大板塊,實現跨行
brand partners which cover various key sectors comprising intimate 業及跨品類的應用拓展。
wear (including bras, panties, shapewear) and bra pads, sports
products (including sports bras, functional sports apparel), consumer
electronics components, and footwear, and facilitate cross-sector
and cross-category applications.
The Group is committed to multi-regional production capacity 本集團致力開展多區域產能佈局,擁有兩大策略據點-
deployment. It has two strategic strongholds – its research and 依託中國深圳的研發(「研發」)及生產基地推動國內市場
development (“RD”) and production bases in Shenzhen, China to 發展,以及於2016年擴產的越南重要生產基地支持出口
promote the expansion of the domestic PRC market, and its major 業務增長,同時持續通過自動化及數碼化管理提高生產
production base in Vietnam, which the Group has expanded into 效率及核心競爭優勢。
since 2016 to support the growth of its export business. The Group
also continues to enhance production efficiency and core competitive
advantages through automation and digital management.
In addition, Regina Miracle endeavors to promote envi
- 企业直播助力品牌出海案例集.pdf
- 开明投资:2022年年报.PDF
- 世纪集团国际:年报2022.PDF
- 义合控股:2021_2022年报.PDF
- 中国海外诺信:2022年年报.PDF
- 隆基仪表:2022年半年度报告.PDF
- 彩虹科技:2022年半年度报告.PDF
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