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四川省 2015 年高职院校单独招生同样考试文化素质 (中职类)英语试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 从 A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项填入前边的括号内。 ( )1.Barack Obama is first black president of the United States. A.an B .a C. the D 不填 ( )2 Where were you last night I called you five times! Sorry, my phone was A. over B. on C. in D. off ( )3. the game means everything to him. A. Winning B. To win C. Won D. Win ( )4 Which one do you prefer, the red or the green Do you have a blue one A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None ( )5. David is full of secrets. No one knows where A. does he live B. he lives C. he had lived D. is he living ( )6. The fact he failed the exam disappointed us all. A. when B . what C . it D. that ( )7. Thats a _ answer. But can you think of a_ one A. better; best B. better; good C. good; best D. good; better ( )8. He is_ short to get the book on the top. A. too B. so C. very D. such ( )9. Please_ your book and turn to page 51. A. take up B. take out C. take off D. take down ( )10. 3:2! We won the game! . A. Yes, please. B. Congratulations! C. Im sorry. D. Good luck! 二、完形填空题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C, D)中,选出最佳选项填入右边的括号内。 A man was delivering some monkeys to Chelsea zoo when his car broke down. He was standing at the side of the 11 wondering what to do when he saw a farmer driving by. He stopped the farmer and 12 him 500 pounds to take the 13 to the zoo. The farmer14and off he went. Several15 later the man was16waiting for a breakdown truck to come when he saw the farmer coming back, still with the monkeys on his17 . He stopped the farmer again and asked why he hadnt 18 the monkeys to the zoo. I did. said the farmer. We had a 19 time and there is still some money20,so Im taking them to Alton Towers. ( )11. A. road B. zoo C. house D. monkey ( )12. A. saved B. lent C. bought D. offered ( )13. A. car B. monkeys C. farmer D. man ( )14. A. agreed B. cried C. died D. fell ( )15. A. minutes B. days C. hours D. weeks ( )16. A. even B. always C. never D. still ( )17


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