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行业类别 行业代码 名称en 名称ch B 06 Mining and Washing of Coal 煤炭开采和洗选业 B 0610 Mining and washing of bituminous coal and anthracite 烟煤和无烟煤的开采洗选 B 0620 Mining and washing of lignite 褐煤的开采洗选 B 0690 Mining and washing of Other coal 其他煤炭采选 B 07 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 石油和天然气开采业 B 0710 Oil and gas extraction 天然原油和天然气开采 B 0790 Service activities related to oil and gas exploitation 与石油和天然气开采有关的服务活动 B 08 Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores 黑色金属矿采选业 B 0810 Rail kuangcaixuan 铁矿采选 B 0890 Other ferrous metal ore mining 其他黑色金属矿采选 B 09 Mining and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores 有色金属矿采选业 B 0911 Mining and Proessing of Copper Ores 铜矿采选 B 0912 Mining and Proessing of Lead and Zinc Ores 铅锌矿采选 B 0913 Mining and Proessing of Nickel and Cobalt Ores 镍钴矿采选 B 0914 Mining and Proessing of Tin Ores 锡矿采选 B 0915 Mining and Proessing of Antimony Ores 锑矿采选 B 0916 Mining and Proessing of Aluminum Ores 铝矿采选 B 0917 Magnesite acquisition 镁矿采选 B 0919 Other commonly used nonferrous metal ore mining 其他常用有色金属矿采选 B 0921 Mining and Proessing of Gold Ores 金矿采选 B 0922 Silver acquisition 银矿采选 B 0929 Other precious metal mining 其他贵金属矿采选 B 0931 Mining and Proessing of Tungsten and Molybdenum Ores 钨钼矿采选 B 0932 Mining and Proessing of Rare Earth Metal Ores 稀土金属矿采选 B 0933 Radioactive metal ore mining 放射性金属矿采选 B 0939 Mining and dressing of other rare metals 其他稀有金属矿采选 B 10 Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores 非金属矿采选业 B 1011 Limestone, gypsum mining 石灰石、石膏开采 B 1012 Building decoration stone mining 建筑装饰用石开采 B 1013 Refractory earth and stone mining 耐火土石开采 B 1019 Clay and other sand and stone mining 粘土及其他土砂石开采 B 1020 Chemical ore extraction 化学矿采选 B 1030 salt 采盐 B 1091 Asbestos, mica ore mining 石棉、云母矿采选 B 1092 Mining and Processing of Graphite and talc Ores 石墨、滑石采选 B 1093 Gem, jade mining 宝石、玉石开采 B 1099 Other non-metallic mineral ores 其他非金属矿采选 B 11 Mining of Other Ores 其他采矿业 B 1100 Other mining 其他采矿业 C 13 Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 农副食品加工业 C 1310 Grain grinding 谷物磨制 C 1320 Feed pro


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