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第1页/共23页Miss Li is showing us how to make a kite. Miss Li 正在向我们展示怎么制作风筝。 Do you know how to make a kite?第2页/共23页We need …..我们需要…bamboo paper knifebrush 画笔stringglue scissors第3页/共23页How to make a kite? 怎么制作风筝?cut 1. First,____ the bamboo.首先,切竹子。第4页/共23页How to make a kite? 怎么制作风筝?cut _____ the paper.2.And then,然后,剪纸。第5页/共23页How to make a kite? 怎么制作风筝?paintdraw ____it with a brush.Next,____ a picture and3.接着,画一张图片并用画笔给它涂好颜色。第6页/共23页最后,把画好的纸粘贴在竹子上并在风筝上系好线。glue4.Lastly,_____ the paper on the bamboo and _____ a string to the kite.tie第7页/共23页4.Look at my beautiful kite!看看第8页/共23页Cut the bamboo.Cut the paper.Draw a picture.Glue the paperon the bamboo. a string to the kite.TiePaint it with a brush.第9页/共23页How to make a kite? 怎么制作风筝?Cut ______the bamboo.首先First然后And then接下来Next最后LastlyCut ______the paper.paintDraw______a picture and____it with a brush. glue _____ the paper on the bamboo and _____ a string to the kite.tie第10页/共23页找出 不同类的词。 C ( ) 1. A. cutB.draw C.paper ( ) 2. A. brush B. first C. bamboo ( ) 3. A. paint B.tie C.pen B C ( ) 4. A.string B.brush C. next ( )5. A. firt B.kite C.lastly C B第11页/共23页Make your dialogue!春天到了,明明想要放风筝,于是请爷爷教他做风筝,请你编一段对话。第12页/共23页第13页/共23页CutCutDrawPaintGlueTie第14页/共23页First, a picture. Then, it with a brush. drawpaintcutAnd then, the picture.showLastly, to the class.glueNext, the picture. 第15页/共23页Dragon gameWhat can you see?A: I can see a... . What can you see?B: I can see a... . What can you see?第16页/共23页What can you see?I can see a house. a lake. mountains. trees. clouds.第17页/共23页Number the pictures.426315第18页/共23页Key phrasesby a lake 在湖边in the lake 在湖里have a try 试一试draw a line 画条支线a piece of paper 一张纸above the line 在直线上turn ... upside down 把......倒过来turn ... back 把......转回来paint the mountains 给山涂色第19页/共23页Peter draws a face.Peter draws the hands.Peter draws the feet.Peter paints the body.Peter cuts out the pictures.Peter show the coloured pictur



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