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177-谈价技巧经典邮件案例! 一,谈价的要点: 1. 价值沟通是价格谈判的前提或先决条件,所以我们要和客户谈价值而不是价 格 2. 只有满足客人真正的需求才能产生价值,所以要推荐给客户最合适的产品是 关键。 3. 作价值分析,满足客人的真正的需求,可以具体分析给客人:我们的产品, 服务,技 术支持等能带给客人那些具体的好处,并要解决客人所顾虑的一切问 题 二,报价时要注意的点: *不要急于报价给客人 *必要时可以问客人:您根据您的实际情况,计划购买多少价位的硅胶(产品) 呢? *给客人报价绝不能跟底线价太近,一定要留有很大的一个空间 *报价前要先确认客户的量。。。。。 案例一 from Angel: 谈价,从几个点说服客户: 4. 谈价值而不是价格 5. 和客户站在同一战线,我也不想让我的客户失望 6. 每个公司在不同的国家地区都有自己的规定 7. 根据我们董事会的决定,由于物价上涨,我们有可能会在下个月涨价 8. 最后采取折中的方法成交 Dear ..., How are you doing and nice to know you from Angel.This is Berry,Angel's Manager ,from Shenzhen Hong Ye Silicone. The belowing mail is a little long, pls be patient to read it and thanks so much for your time. According to the information provided from Angel,we got know that you had send us a sample and also tested our sample ,yes ? Thanks for your good news on the sample test.Now the problem is that you feel that the price is not so favorable for you,right ?But Nothing is much more important than the practical values that our products can bring your market. Yes? I think if we just could not go on for our cooperation because of the price,we think it is really a big pity for both of us for the long term business relationship. We will lose a potential and valuable customer and maybe you will lose a stable and believable supplier. As we both of us pay a lot of time and energy to reach the cooperation,so let's make a compromise and we will support you at the price at our best,ok? Regarding to the Quotation Record Angel handed in,FOB shenzhen Price Q615# / Q625# 10.58USD/KG based on 2000kgs; silicone oil 201# 6.15USD/KG Yes? Dear..., as for your worries on the costs, I definitely understand your position on this tough point.With the communications via phone calls & emails with Angel,I think you have had build nice friendship with Angel. Personally speaking, I do not want to make my customers feel disappointed. As to make a friendly start on our long-term co-op,


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