Email 实战案例 教你如何同客户价格谈判.pdfVIP

Email 实战案例 教你如何同客户价格谈判.pdf

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Email 实战案例 教你如何同客户价格谈判 关于价格谈判,有业务员说,看你讲的原则也能理解, 可具体操作的时候,又不知如何做了。今天正好有网友让我 帮忙看下邮件,征得她的同意,我就试着用这个实际邮件案 例,来近距离的展示一下,这些谈判原则吧。希望对大家有 所帮助。为了方便大家的阅读,我先给出修改前后,修改后 的邮件,然后在做点评。如果不需要看邮件全文的,可以直 接跳过去看点评。 这封邮件的大致背景,就是给客户报了价格后,客户觉得她 的价格比别人家的高。要求降价。 修改前的邮件全文: Dear Pina,Glad to hear from you~We really don't want to lose a good customer like you, so the price i quotated is lower than our general quotation. and pls believe that the price is more competitive in our line of mirror. What's more, the mirror frames you selected are very popular for good quality in Europe,like Ireland, England,Germany,Italy and so on. And we have received their repeat order.What's more, the mirror frames you selected are very popular for good quality in Europe,like Ireland, England,Germany,Italy and so on. And we have received their repeat order.If other suppliers supplied you the lower price than us, then according to my experience, i'm sure the quality cannot be same as ours, pls believe the quality of our product compeletly conform to the Quality Standard of Europe.You know ,the price can be negotiable depend on order quantity, delivery time, package and payment, etc. Normally,The 40HQ' container can be put 5-7 styles of mirror frames, if the order quantity is enough, and you select 1-2 styles of mirror in one container, then i'll negotiate with my boss ,to give you some discounts. How do you think so?Can i have your ideas or requests about our products? if you give me the order quantity of every style of mirror, i'll quote the better price for you asap.Look forward to your kind reply~Much thanks and best regards, XXXX 修改后的邮件全文:Dear Pina,Thanks a lot for email, and I fully understand your situation.I really treasure you much as a very valuable customer. So I have applied hard from our boss for a most special price for you. Meantime ,please rest assure that our superior quality will make your customers very satisfied. We may give reference to y


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