语习得引论 读书笔记 chapter.docx

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一. 概论 Chapter Chapter 1. Introducing SLA Second language acquisition (SLA) Second language (L2) ScopesInformal L2 learningTakes place in Scopes Informal L2 learning Takes place in Naturalistic contexts Formal L2 learning Classes or courses L2 learning that Naturalistic contexts involves a mixture of Examples “pick up” Interacting Classes Interacting and learning in classes at the same time formal learning and combined with Classes informal or courses Basic questions: 1). What exactly does the L2 learner come to know? 2). How does the learner acquire this knowledge? 3). Why are some learners more successful than others? FieldsLinguists Fields Linguists Psychologists and psycholinguists Sociolinguists Social psychologists Applied linguists about SLA Emphasize Characteristics of the differences and similarities in the languages that are being learned; The linguistic competence (underlying knowledge) and linguistic performance (actual production). The mental or cognitive processes involved in acquisition; The representation of languages in the brain. Variability in learner linguistic performance; Communicative competence (pragmatic competence). Group-related phenomena; The interactional and larger social contexts of learning. Any one or more perspectives above; Theory and research for teaching. 3 main perspectives: linguistic; psychological; social. Only one (x) Combine (√) Chapter 2. Foundations of SLA Chapter 2. Foundations of SLA Ⅰ. The world of second languages Multi-; bi-; mono- lingualism Multilingualism: the ability to use 2 or more languages. (bilingualism: 2 languages; multilingualism: 2) Monolingualism: the ability to use only one language. Multilingual competence (Vivian Cook, Multicompetence) Refers to: the compound state of a mind with 2 or more grammars. Monolingual competence (Vivian Cook, Monocompetence) Refers to: knowledge of only one language. People with multicompetence (a unique combination) ≠ 2 monolinguals World demographic shows: Acquisition The


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