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英语语言学 简答题 Chapter 1: Introduction List important distinctions in linguistics. List design features. What are the differences between traditional grammar and modern linguistics? Talk about speech and writing and which one is prior and why? What are the difference and similarity, langue and parole VS. competence and performance? What should we take superior, diachronic study or synchronic study? Chapter 2: Phonology Broad transcription and narrow transcription. Classification of English speech sound. Distinction of phone, phoneme and allophone. phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair. some rules in phonology. suprasegmental features. Chapter 3: Morphology open class and closed class. suffixes and prefixes. bound morpheme and free morpheme. derivation and inflection. compound words. Chapter 4: Syntax categories. How to define a word’s category ? Phrase categories. Four properties of coordination rule. What are phrase elements. What is S rule? Transformation. deep structure and surface structure. constraints on transformation. Master the way to draw a tree diagram once a sentence is given. Chapter 5: Semantics some views concerning the study of meaning. sense and reference. major sense relations. sense relations between sentences. analysis of meaning. Chapter 6: Pragmatics pragmatics and semantics. sentence meaning and utterance meaning. Talk about Speech Act Theory. constatives and performatives. What is Austin’s opinion about Speech Act Theory. How did Seale classify illocutionary act into five categories? What is cooperative principle? Chapter 7: Language Change Morphological and syntactic change of language. vocabulary change. some recent trends of language change. causes of language change. Chapter 8: Language And Society the relationship between language and society. two approaches to sociolinguistic studies. dialectal varieties. What characteristics does Black English possess? What is regidter theory? Degree of formality. What is standard E


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