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高三英语写作学案 求助信 第 周 第 课时 班 组评 姓名 师评 【学习目标】掌握求助信的写法 【教学重点】立意;梳理写作要点;选取恰当词汇和句型写出通顺的句子和完整的段落; 【教学难点】掌握求助信的基本结构,并积累话题相关词汇和句式。 【学习方法】自主预习 合作探究 READING MATERIALS Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua. I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personal resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter, hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 本文是一篇______________,主题是_____________________,主要时态是________________,人称是____________________。其中第一段阐述了____________,第二段主要内容是__________,第三段主要内容是____________。 【小结】求助信是当个人遇到一些自己无法解决的问题或困难时向别人请求帮助的一种书信。 首段:表明写信目的,请求帮助; 中间段:要清晰陈述请求帮助的具体内容; 结尾段:希望得到帮助。 注意:语气委婉、真诚,并要向收信人表示感谢。 【常用短语】 1. have?trouble/difficulty(in)doing?sth. 做某事有困难 2. do?sb. a?favor/give?sb. a?hand 给某人帮助 3. ask?for?help/seek?for?help 寻求帮助 4. encounter?some?problems 遇到一些问题 5. be?busy/occupied/engaged?in?doing?sth.忙于做某事 6. be?grateful/thankful/appreciative?to?sb. for?sth. 因某事感激某人 7. make?preparations?for.…为某事做准备 9. put...in?use 学以致用 10. let?sb. down 让某人失望 11. overcome?the?fear?克服恐惧 12. be?anxious/eager?to?do?sth./long?to?do?sth.渴望做某事 13. take?the?trouble?to?do?sth. 费心地去做某事 14. offer?some?constructive?guidance提供一些有益的指导 【常用句型】 1. It is?difficult/challenging?for?me?to do sth. 2. I have?trouble/difficulty/problems?(in)doing?sth. 3. Ding?sth.is?another?terrible?headache?for?me.(使用动名词做主语) 4. I?find?myself?struggling?with?sth. (使用find复合结构) 5. Faced?with?the?above?problems, I?am?anxious?to?get?your?help. 6. Would?you?please offer?me?some?advice?on...? 7. I wonder if



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