Unit 1 Teenage Life Video Time 课件--高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

Unit 1 Teenage Life Video Time 课件--高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 1;UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE;1. To use strategies to guess the content of the video. 2. To talk about the life across generations.;Is?there?a?generation?gap?between you and your parents? How do you feel about it?;n. 一代(人);1. In South Africa, many teenagers graduate from university. 2. Mamorena’s life is the same as Tandi’s when she was young. 3. Tandi had a difficult childhood. 4. Tandi is now a successful businesswoman.;Check your answers in Before You Watch.;1. In South Africa, many teenagers graduate from university. 2. Mamorena’s life is the same as Tandi’s when she was young. 3. Tandi had a difficult childhood. 4. Tandi is now a successful businesswoman.;1) Mamorena is a student at an expensive /inexpensive private school. 2) Tandi grew up in a poor /wealthy area of Johannesburg. 3) Mamorena does not understand /understands about her mother’s childhood.;Watch the video again and check your answers.;Fill in the blanks.;Answer the questions briefly. You can answer them by giving key words.;4. Is she different from many teenagers? In what way(s)? She goes to a private school. 5. What do we learn about Tandi? Mamorena’s mother, who grew up in a poor area in Johannesburg, is now a successful buninsesswoman living in the suburbs. 6. What does Tandi do every week? Why? She takes Mamorena to her old neighbourhood in Johannesburg. She wants Mamorena to always remember who she is.;Work in pairs. Discuss the question.;At the end of the video, Tnadi says both her generation and her daughter’s have to work hard. Explain in what ways the two generations have to work hard, both similarly and differently.;Write down your answers to the questions: 1. In what ways is your life similar to or different from your parents’ life when they were young? 2. What can you learn from your own parents?



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