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18. validity /v?liditi/ n. 有效,效力 19. circumstance /s?:k?mst?ns/ n. 情况 20. expire /ikspai?/ v. 终止,期满 21. expiry /ikspai?ri/ n. 终止,期满 22. transferable /tr?nsf?:r?bl/ adj. 可转让的 23. transferee /,tr?nsf?:ri:/ n. 接受转让方 24. item /‘ait?m/ n. 条;项目; 一件商(物)品 DETAILED UNDERSTANDING Listen to the tape again and answer the questions below. 1.What products is Mr. Henry interested in? 2.What is wrong with the trade marks “peacock” and “555”? 3.When the validity of a trade mark expires, what should a company do? 4. 1). Not sell any other goods, items, or parts not made by the manufacturer; 2) not sell the manufacturer’s goods to any other companies who are predominantly engaged in selling the similar goods; 3) be responsible for all the expenses related to the business operation, i.e. all taxes and labour costs etc.; 4) be responsible for procuring and maintaining all import licenses, transport permits, business licenses, and other similar permits in regard to the import, transport, storage and sale of the goods in your country. 5. Yes. A sole distributor could require the manufacturer to prepare export licenses and inspections, to deliver the goods according to the time a distributor asks and to sell the goods to no other than the distributor within a certain region. 6. To find out the business partner—the manufacturer first, and then negotiate with him/her about the relevant terms, and finally sign the contract. LANGUAGE LEARNING 2 1. Listen to the tape again and underline the useful words and phrases in the text. 2. Listen to the tape and read aloud after the tape. PRACTICE Use the following expressions to do dialogue or make sentences with someone around orally. 1.Why do you want to be a sole distributor? 你为什么想做一个包销商? 2.Would you tell me what you know about a sole distributor? 你给我讲讲你对包销商都知道些什么? 3.Would you mind telli


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