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江苏海洋大学 届毕业实习与论文学生用表(人文经管类) PAGE PAGE 6 本 科 毕 业 实 习 与 论 文 魏晋南北朝志怪小说中的异类婚恋 The study of alien marriage story of Zhiguai fiction in weijin Southern and Northern Dynasties 学 院: 文法学院 专业班级: 汉语言文学 汉语172 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: (副教授) 2021年 5 月 毕业实习与论文中文摘要 魏晋南北朝志怪小说中的异类婚恋 摘 要:异类婚恋故事是魏晋南北朝时期风行的志怪小说中的一种重要题材,往往这类故事具有本身比较独特的艺术、文化价值。在魏晋南北朝时期的志怪小说中,异类婚恋故事十分常见,且分类庞杂,往往被认为是魏晋南北朝时期人民的生活,婚姻,家庭甚至政治方面以及时代风貌等等方面的缩影,通过了解志怪小说中的异类婚恋故事,我们也可以侧面知晓一些魏晋南北朝时期真实的人民的生活状态,艺术虽然高于生活,但毕竟源于生活。此外,我们还可以了解婚恋现象在志怪小说中的发展变化。全文大致分为三个部分,也即绪论,正文以及结语。主要概述了魏晋南北朝时期志怪小说中的异类婚恋现象研究现状以及存在的大量问题,研究人神或者人鬼,人妖婚恋故事,论述了异类婚恋故事的独特性,并对此类志怪故事由最初的陈词滥调逐渐演化为一种成熟的文学艺术形式的艺术发展变化。 关键词:魏晋南北朝;志怪小说;异类婚恋;时代特征 毕业实习与论文外文摘要 The study of alien marriage story of Zhiguai fiction in weijin Southern and Northern Dynasties Abstract: The story of alien love and marriage was an important subject matter in the popular mystery novels in the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties.In the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period of the mystery novels, story is common, love and marriage in heterogeneous and complex classification, is often considered as wei jin southern and northern dynasties period of people's life, marriage, family and even political as well as a microcosm of The Times, and so on aspects, by understanding the heterogeneous in mystery novels dating stories, we can also know the side some real people's lives, wei jin southern and northern dynasties period art while higher than life, but from life, after all.In addition, we can also understand the development and change of love and marriage phenomenon in mystery novels.The full text is roughly divided into three parts, that is, introduction, text and conclusion.This paper mainly summarizes the current situation of the research on the phenomenon of alien marriage and a large number of existing problems in the strange and strange novels of the Wei, Jin and So


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