BS EN 50129-2018(中英文对照)铁路应用–通信、信号和处理系统–用于信号的安全相关电子系统.pdf

BS EN 50129-2018(中英文对照)铁路应用–通信、信号和处理系统–用于信号的安全相关电子系统.pdf

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BS EN 50129:2018 BS EN 50129 :2018 Incorporating corrigendum April 2019 纳入 2019 年 4 月的更正 BSI Standards Publication BSI 标准出版物 Railway applications – Communication, signalling and processing systems –Safetyrelated electronic systems for signalling 铁路应用 – 通信、信号和处理系统 – 用于信号的安全 相关电子系统 BS EN 50129:2018 BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 50129 :2018 英国标准 National foreword 国家前言 This British Standard is the UK implementation of 本英国标准是英国实施的 EN 50129:2018, incorporating corrigendum April 2019. It supersedes PD CLC/TR 50451:2007, PD CLC/TR 50506‑1:2007, EN 50129:2018,包含更正 2019 年 4 月。它取代 PD CLC/TR 50451 :2007 , PD CLC/TR 50506-1:2007, PD CLC/TR 50506‑2:2009and BS EN 50129:2003, which are withdrawn. PD CLC/TR 50506‑2:2009 和 BS EN 50129:2003,已撤销。 The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee GEL/9, Railway Electrotechnical Applications. 英国参与其准备工作委托给技术委员会 GEL/9,铁路电工应用。 A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. 可向其秘书索取该委员会代表的组织名单。 This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.


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