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07 英本 6 班 070201604 姚丽珠 The Role of Culture in Language -- Taking Comparison Between China and English As an Example Abstract: With distinguished culture, languages’ formation and expressions are greatly different. The study of culture’s influences on language in such two aspects will contribute great to foreign language learners. Key word: Culture, China, English, Language Culture involves the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually every aspect of human life and influences predominantly people’s behavior, including linguistic behavior. Language and culture, intrinsically dependent on each other, have evolved together through the history. Their mutual interdependence can find proof in languages’ formation and expressions. i.e. the different culture is marked by some specific languages’ formation and expressions. (一) From the Angle of Some Specific Languages’Formation In my comprehension, specific culture will form some specific languages. That is to say, some languages only occur in the limited culture rather in other culture. Take comparison between China and English as an example. With respect to the religious culture, these two countries exist great difference. Most Chinese have the belief in Buddhism, while most English in Christianity. Thus, in China, we have such saying "当一天和尚撞一天 钟"、"平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚".And in English, it exists"as poor as church mouse"、"God helps those who help themselves"and so forth. What’s more, Bible and Greek Myths really contribute to the formation of language, such as "Juda’s kiss"、"Achilles heel"、" Paradora’s box"、"sour grapes". From the Angle of Languages’Expressions The different distribution of China and English leads to people’s different living habits. Chinese tend to more live in continent and grow corps; therefore, we’re familiar with the time when to


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