
译林版高中英语选择性必修一Unit1 Phrases 背诵版(雅礼).docxVIP

译林版高中英语选择性必修一Unit1 Phrases 背诵版(雅礼).docx

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B1U1 Phrases 默写版 Name: Class: Grades: 1.振作某人的精神(p2) lift ones spirits 2.奏效,起作用 do the trick 3.更不用提滑腻的口感 not to mention the creamy flavour 4.沉着不迫的做 take ones time over sth. 5.米糊和牛奶的完美融合 the perfect marriage of rice and milk 6.不知不觉 before I know it 7.从广义上说 in its broadest sense 8.唤起联想 call associations to mind 9.弥补 make up for 10.因人而异 vary from person to person 11.取决于我们独特的经历 depend on our unique experiences 12.与e……产生关联S3) be linked_(connected) with / be tied up with 13.被关爱的感觉 the feeling of being taken care of 14.归属感 sense of belonging 15.迫切需要 cry out for 16. 一解怀乡之情 relieve feelings of homesickness 17.与z……建立情感联系 build an emotional bond with ... 18.情绪低落(p5) in low spirits 19.引发积极的情感 generate positive emotions 20.血糖的急剧升高 the sharp increase in blood sugar 21.含高热量的食物 food high in calories / high-calorie food 22.意识到潜在的危险 be aware of the hidden danger 23.继续保持精力 keep up energy 24.培养新的业余爱好 take up new hobbies 25.促进与朋友的关系(p6) enhance the relationship with friends 26.各种各样的菜谱XyR a variety of recipes 27.投身于做某事 throw oneself into doing 28.恐高(p7) be afraid of heights 29.旋转 360 度XT/ turn the full 360 degrees 30.你做好的选择、jf your best bet 31.好得不得了,顶呱呱(p9) be out of this world 32.满口余香4V 1 the sweet and mild flavor fills my mouth 33,令人垂涎的火锅(pll) the mouth-watering hot pots 3不使汗流如注 let loose rivers of sweat 35.我第二次尝试某事 be covered with a layer of chiliesgivv sth my first try 36.盖满r层辣椒 be covered with a layer of chilies tip fresh meat into the pot 37.满足人们不同的口味 appeal to people of different tastes 38.各种选择的汤底 multiple options of soup 39.吃完第一份盐水鸭(pl2) finish my first helping of salted duck 40.无与伦比 be without equal 41.数以万计的 ha mnsLara/l tcins nrcnartiast a n sf vz 1J1 vlv/l11 d、C v?11L/l, L* v/x IIC5 U1 loK thousands of 42.正对我胃口 hit the spot 43.(理念)很时兴、流行 (the concept) takes off 44.刺激顾客的食欲 stimulate customers9 appetite. 45.(某过程)从始至终work ones way through ...


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