
译林版高中英语必修一Unit2 Project 教案(雅礼).docxVIP

译林版高中英语必修一Unit2 Project 教案(雅礼).docx

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Unit 2 Lefs talk teensProject 内容分析: 本板块要求学生围绕“父母与子女关系”这一主题创作一部短剧,表现出青 少年与父母相处过程中的喜怒哀乐。学生通过讨论亲子关系所涉及的各类话题, 回顾单元所学内容。活动要求学生以小组为单位,选择感兴趣的某一个话题进行 剧本创作。学生通过观看《李尔王》戏剧片段,梳理整合剧本信息,参照范例完 本钱小组的短剧创作。教师应提醒学生,创作过程中要关注戏剧的假设干表演要素, 如台词、表情、动作等等,力争能够演绎得淋漓尽致。教师应鼓励学生适当发挥, 并在班级进行表演。各小组需要对本组和他组的戏剧表演做简要评价。 教学目标: By the end of this section, students will be able to: Understand the four elements of a play;Write their own plays; Perform a play. 教学重难点: Explain the four elements of a play;Help students perform a play well. 教学过程: Step 1 Lead-inOpen questions: When was the last time you quarreled with your parents? Can you tell us the reason? 【设计意图:让学生联系生活实际,回忆最近一次与父母争吵的原因,快速导入 亲子关系话题。】Step 2 Choose a topic Brain storm: On what issues you may quarrel with your parents? Let students brain storm this question and then show these answers as supplementary: friends, goals/dreams, hobbies, housework, personal habits, pocket money, school work... After the brain storm, let students choose a topic in their groups. 【设计意图:通过学生头脑风暴,以及教师补充总结,提供多种话题,供学生选 择一个作为小组戏剧的话题。】 Step 3 Watch a play Question: What is a play? Possible answer: A play is a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio. Most plays are in the form of a dialogue. A large amount of casual speech is used, sometimes with incomplete sentences. The main elements of a play are characters, settings, stage directions, plot, conflicts, climax and theme. Then the teacher explains the four elements of a play: setting, characters, plot and theme. Explain the plot of a play specifically: Exposition, Elaboration, Climax and Denouement. Let students watch the short video of Ling Lear and find the four elements of it. King LearElements of a playSetting In the royal place King Lear Characters King Lear, Goneril, Cordelia, Regan, KentPlot Plot PlotThemeKing Lear divided the kingdom among his three daughters, two of whom got the land by flattering the king. Cordelia told the truth but ended up being treated unfairly. Plot Them


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