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唐顿庄园-S01E01 唐顿庄园-S01E01 Oh, my God. 上帝啊[01:14] Thats impossible. 这不可能[01:20] Ill take it up there now. 我这就送去[01:23] Dont be stupid. 别傻了[01:24] None of them will be up for hours. What 等他们起床还早呢 不差这一会儿[01:27] difference will it make? Jimmy will do it when he comes in. 吉米来了自会去送[01:30] Six oclock! 六点了[01:51] Thank you, Daisy. 谢谢 黛西[01:54] Anna. 安娜[01:57] Just for once in my life 哪怕这辈子只有一次[02:02] Id like to sleep until I woke up natural. 我真想睡到自然醒[02:03] Is your fire still in? 炉火还旺吗[02:07] Yes, Mrs Patmore. 是的 帕特莫太太[02:09] Oh, my, my, will wonders never cease? 还真是不可思议啊[02:10] Have you laid the servants hall 仆人们的早餐摆好了吗[02:13] breakfast? Yes, Mrs Patmore. 好了 帕特莫太太[02:14] And finished blacking that stove? 炉子擦亮了吗[02:16] Yes, Mrs Patmore. 是的 帕特莫太太[02:17] What about the bedroom fires? 卧室的炉火呢[02:19] All lit, Mrs Patmore. 都生好了 帕特莫太太[02:21] Right, well, take your things and get 好的 带上家什 去把底楼的火也生了[02:22] started on the fires on the ground floor. Now, hurry up. 动作快点[02:55] Any sign of William? - No. 见着威廉了吗 -没有[03:21] Where have you been? - Im not late, am 你上哪儿去了 -我没迟到吧[03:34] I? Youre late when I say youre late. 我说你迟了就是迟了[03:36] Daisy, whatever are you doing there, 黛西 你蜷在那儿做什么 黑灯瞎火的[03:48] crouching in the dark? You werent here and I didnt like to 你不在 我也不想用 脏手去拉窗帘[03:52] touch the curtains with me dirty hands. Well, quite right, too.


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