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句子成分和句子结构;一、相关概念;特别注意;二、句子成分;I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday.;主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 表语 predicative 宾补 complement 定语 attribute 状语 adverbial 同位语 appositive ;1.主语;注意there be句型: 1. be 动词要和其后的实际主语在人称和数的形式上保持一致。如果 there be后实际主语是多个并列项时,要遵循就近原则。如: There is a bird in the tree. There are many apples on the tree. There is a pencil and two rulers on the desk. There are two rulers and a pencil on the desk.;2. 可以用Live, stand , come, go, lie, remain, exist, arrive等词代替be动词。 There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain.(不但“有”而且“住”在那里) There exists no air on the moon.(存在) There lies a book on the desk. ;3. there be 和 have 的区别。 “there be”表示:某地有某物,某时有某物。 “have”表示:某人有某物。 There is a ball under the bed. He has a lovely dog. ;练习——划出下面的句子主语,并说出由什么充当。;2.谓语;练习——划出下面句子的谓语,并说出是什么谓语。;3.;;练习——划出下面的句子宾语,并说出由什么充当。;4.补语;主语补语:对主语的补充。(含有宾语补足语的句子在变成被动语态宾语作主语时,原来的宾语就成了主语补足语。) She was found singing in the next room. ;练习——划出下面的句子补语,并说出由什么充当。;5.定语;在英语中,也有很多情况是定语放在所修饰词之后,这点与汉语的表达习惯不同。 1. 副词作定语,一般要后置。 People there are very friendly.(那儿的人们) He didn’t like the man downstairs. (楼下的那个人) 2. 形容词短语作定语一般放在所修饰词之后。 The man next to me is a scientist. ;3. 介词短语作定语要后置。 The boy under the tree is Tom. 4. 现在分词短语,过去分词短语,动词不定式作定语常后置。 I have something to say.我有要说的话。 The boy crying over there is my brother.在那边哭的那个男孩是我的弟弟。 ;练习——划出下面句子的定语,并说出由什么充当。;6.状语;1. 几个并列的状语的先后顺序:方式---地点---时间 He was walking slowly outside the park at that moment. 2. 英语中,时间状语、地点状语的排列一般都是按从小到大得顺序。 I invited him to watch a movie at 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 28th, 2015.;3. 频度副词often, always, usually, sometimes, never等在句子中的位置是:动前助后(动:谓语动词,助:Be动词、情态动词、助动词(do/does))。 You can never tell what he will do. He is often late. He is always helping others. 4.状语 如果按照句意分类,有时间状语,地点状语,目的状语,结果状语,程度状语,条件状语,方式状语和让步状语等。 ;练习——划出下面的句子主语,并说出由什么充当。;7.同位语;画出下列句中的同位语;8.表语;系动词;4)感官系动词(feel, smell, sound, taste) 例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。 5)变化系动词(become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run)


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