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小班英语Who are you 教案 活动目的: 1、幼儿能听懂老师用who are you 提问,并能用i’m ****.进行回答。 2、幼儿能够在游戏中大胆、大声地采用英语。 活动准备: 纸飞机一架,皮球一个,手绢两张。幼儿围坐在成小半圆。 活动过程: 一、 师生用英语相互道别。 hello children. hello mi zhang. 二、教师率领幼儿自学并训练单词。 1、today , mi zhang have a something. look ! what’s this? yes . handchife .(对,就是手帕) now . gue . what am i doing ? oh , sorry , you’re wrong . now , look at me . i’ll hide my eyes by this hankchife . then i can’t see anything. oh , let me touch you . (我必须用手绢将眼睛蒙起来,然后用手回去捏你们,看一看老师可以捏至哪个小朋友?) who are you? who are you? who are you? hao hao . really? (让摸到的小朋友自己说出自己的名子)., i’ll take off the hankchef when you say “one two three” . “one two three” . oh, yes , you are hao hao . the game is very fa y. let’s try it again , ok?(游戏重复进行,再去摸4、5个小朋友。) 2、the game is very fa y. then let’s play another game . i’ll throw the ball when i ask “who are you?” if you catch the ball ,you should a wer me your name . ok?(我去扔球,谁收到它时,我一边投掷一边问“who are you?你就是谁,收到球的小朋友就提问我你叫做名子,但是必须在名子前面加之i’m***,比如说陈子洋直奔了球就要提问我i’m陈子洋。懂得了吗,现在使我们去试试看。) look carefully. who are you? (i’m ****)纠正幼儿发音。发音时嘴巴要合上,不然小虫子要飞到你的嘴巴里去哟。 3、children . look , what’s this? yes . plane . i’ll fly the plane , when i ask “who are you?” if you catch the play ,you should a wer me your name . ok? 我来飞飞机,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,谁接到了飞机,就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上i’m*** 4、childre , you’re very great! now . let’s play another game . (瞎子摸鱼)first , you see , what’s this? yes a fish. this time , you will be fish , i’ll be blind. you can swim everywhere in the circle , i’ll try to cache you . if i catch you, i’ll ask “who are you ?” if your a wer i right ,you can free and you can get a little red flower. if your a wer is wrong ,i’ll eat you. understand?(要求幼儿能大声的回答)。(在教室里做次游戏后就换到操场上的圆圈里去做这个游戏。) 三、小结并表彰全班的小朋友。


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