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; READING FOR LEARNING ;;;1. 生亦我所欲也,义亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。 Both _________ and righteousness are important to me. However, if I cannot have both, I will give my life so as to _________ righteousness. 2. 丈夫见义勇为,祸福无预于己。 A true man should act __________ for justice without considering his own fate. 3. 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 Spring ________ till its death spins silk from lovesick heart; a _______ but when burned up has no tears to shed. ;Creating a text summary (书写文章概要) 文章概要是对文章每个段落主要观点的简单总结。第一次阅读某篇文章时,可以每读完一个段落,就随手写下该段落大意,读完整篇文章后,各段落大意便组成该文章的概要。书写文章概要是很有用的学习和应试技巧, 它有助于你在下次阅读时很快查找和定位相关信息。;;;;;; ;effective;cure;shift;fund;selfishly ;pour;nominate;nominee;association; publicity;craze;donation;Back to Vocabulary ;Back to Vocabulary ;Back to Vocabulary ;Back to Vocabulary ;1) effective: adj. ① producing the result that was wanted or intended 有效的;产生预期效果的 e.g. It’s an extremely effective cure for headache. 这种药物治疗头痛极其有效。 ② if a law, agreement, or system becomes effective, it officially starts (法律、协议、制度) 生效的 e.g. The new rules will become effective in the next few days. 这些新条例将在接下来的几天内生效。 2) effectiveness: n. power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect 效力 e.g. There are doubts about the effectiveness of the new drug in treating the disease. 该新药对这种疾病的疗效如何,人们尚有疑问。 ;;;People have a bucket of iced water poured over their head and then nominate someone else to do the same. 人们让一桶冰水从头浇下,然后可以点名其他人做同样的事情。;The nominee can either accept and donate money to the ALS Association or refuse and donate more money. 被点名的人可以接受挑战并捐款给ALS 基金会,或是拒绝挑战,直接捐献更多的善款。;The more people take the challenge, the more money is raised. 接受挑战的人越多,筹集到的钱就越多。;From 29 July to 28 August in 2014, ALS Association received $94.3 million, compared with $2.7 million donated during the same period in 2013. 从2014年7月29日起到8月28日,ALS基金会收到了9,430万美元, 而对比201


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