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第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 2021-2022学年湖北省武汉市洪山区七年级(上)期末英语试卷 —Hello,Tom.How are you doing? — __________.(  ) A. Reading?a?book B. Not?bad,thank?you C. Thats?all?right D. All?right —Miss Williams classes are very interesting. — __________.We all enjoy her classes.(  ) A. Really? B. You?are?welcome. C. Thats?for?sure. D. Help?yourself. —What present will you buy for your sons birthday? —He wants a model plane for long,so Im going to buy __________ for him.(  ) A. one B. it C. that D. those —Are these clothes_____ sale today? —Yes.Look!We have yellow sweaters______only 12 dollars.(  ) A. in;at B. at;on C. for;at D. on;for —Can you show me that pair of shoes? —Im sorry,but we dont have any shoes in your __________.(  ) A. kind B. number C. size D. color —Hurry up!Its ________ to get on the school bus. —OK,Im coming.(  ) A. age B. time C. day D. month —Tom,why do you ask for leave today? —Because Dr.Smith asks me to __________ my eyesight.(  ) A. watch B. use C. lose D. test —David,I cant __________ Lucys phone number,can you tell me? —OK,its 368-5678.(  ) A. ask?for B. think?of C. call?up D. look?for —Do you like the Universal in Beijing? —Yes.Its so __________ that even many adults (成年人) want to go there.(  ) A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. busy —The T-shirt is __________ small for me to wear,mom. —How about shopping tomorrow?(  ) A. too B. very C. so D. much A.I will take it. B.I want to book a cake for my son. C.My number is 683-2852. D.He will like that one with chocolate. E.Its 30 dollars.F.When do you need it? A:Can I help you? B:Yes,please. (1)______ . A:What kind of cake does he like?What about this one? B:Well,he doesnt like blue. (2)______. A:That one looks nice,and its also very popular. (3)______. B:This Saturday. A:OK,this Saturday,thats December 5th.Your name and number,please. B:Jenny White. (4)______.How much is it? A:( 5)______. B:OK,here is the money. When I was in primary school(小学),I had a big argument (争论) with a boy in my class.I



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