三年级上册英语Module 3 测试题外研(三起).docx

三年级上册英语Module 3 测试题外研(三起).docx

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【同步提升】三年级英语上册-Module3综合检测试卷-外研版(三起)(含答案) 一、单选题 1.______ down, please. (?????) A.Sit B.Stand C.Look 2.—Whats that? (???????) —_____ is a hat. A.That B.It C.This 3.Point _______ the door. (?????) A.too B.on C.to 4.Point to the _______. ( ) A.chair B.desk C.door 5.Point ________ the window. (???????) A.on B.in C.to 6.We go to school _______ bus. (?????) A.at B.in C.by 7.Please point _____ the door. (???????) A.to B.up 8.We go to school _____ bus. (???????) A.at B.in C.by 9.Sit _________, please. (?????) A.down B.up C.in 10.Point ________ the desk. (????????) A.on B.to C.in 二、中英互译:单词/短语 英汉互译 11.课桌________ 12.椅子________ 13.窗户________ 14.黑板________ 15.小鸟________ 16.point ________ 17.sit down ________ 18.stand up________ 19.please________ 20.door________ 三、判断句子正误 判断下列图片与所给句子是(T)否(F)相符。 21. Point to the window.????????______ 22. Point to the desk. ______ 23. Point to the bird.?????????????______ 24. Stand up, please. ______ 25. Point to the door. ______ 26.Look and write(T)or(F)Point to the window. ???????( ) Read and judge.(我判断。) 27.Stand up, please. 请坐下。 ( ) 28.Point to the desk. 指一指窗户。( ) 29.Point to the bird. 指一指鹦鹉。( ) 30.Please sit down, Ling ling. 玲玲,请坐下。( ) 31.Good afternoon, Ms. Liu. 下午好,刘女士。( ) 32.Look and write(T)or(F)Point to the girl. ( ) 判断下列图片与所给句子是(T)否(F)相符 33.Please sit down. ( ) 34.Point to the window. ( ) 35.Point to the blackboard. ( ) 36.Point to the chair. ( ) 37.Point to the desk. ( ) 四、排序题 38.句子排排队。(在正确的句子排序前打对勾,使其连成通顺的对话) (????????) (1)How beautiful ! (????????) (2)What are these? (????????) (3)Hello, Mike. Where are you from? (????????) (4)They’re flowers. (????????) (5)I from Yunnan. A.???3 5 2 4 1????????????????????????????????B.5 3 1 2 4 五、选内容补全对话/短文 A Good morning, Im Pingping. ____39____ B My name is iaoyong. A How are you, iaoyong? B ____40____ And how are you? A Im fine, too. Thank you. B ____41____ A O (好的). A.Point to the window. B.Whats your name? C.Im fine. 六、完形填空 选择合适的选项补全对话。



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