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fish fishing in the park 正在公园里钓鱼 fly flying a kite in the playground 正在操场放风筝 singing and dancing in the living room dance 正在客厅里唱歌跳舞 watching cartoons in the living room 正在客厅里看卡通片 swimming in the pool 正在游泳池里游泳 Practice 1.在客厅看卡通片 Practice 2.在操场放风筝 Practice 3.在客厅唱歌和跳舞 Practice 4.在游泳池游泳 Practice 5.在操场放风筝 Practice 1. fishing in the park Practice 2. flying a kite in the playground Practice 3. singing and dancing in the living room Practice 4. watching cartoons in the living room Practice 5. Swimming in the pool 1. Remember the new words: have a look, fish, fly and dance after class. 2. Practise with your partner: ---What are you doing? ---I am… Module 4 Activities Unit 8 What are you doing? 课件 2 动词ing 本课重点句子 What are you doing? 你在做什么? 现在进行时句子结构: am are is + 思考:1.主语,即人称,有几种? 2.不同的人称对应的be动词是不是也不同? 注:英语中有两类动词,一类是与动作有关的词, 还有一类就是be动词。 熟记:am、is、are后的动词要加ing形式 主语 + be 主语(人称) 人 称 单数 复数 第一人称 I 我 We 我们 第二人称 You 你 You 你们 第三人称 He /She / It / My mother 、My father 等 They / some of the children / some of them I 用 am ,You 用 are, 第三人称单数用is ,复数用are. 口诀 Let’s learn and say watch cartoons watching in the living room 在客厅 fish 钓鱼 fishing in the park 在公园 fly a kite 放风筝 flying in the playground 在操场 Answer the questions 1.What does Jiamin do when he has free time? 2.What does Janet do when she has free time? 3.What are they going to do? Lets try to repeat A:It’s ________ and I feel ______. B:____too . What ___ you ___ when you have ____ time. A:I often _____________. Look, I’m reading an_________ book. B:I don’t like that. I _______ watch __________. ______ we watch a cartoon? A:Great! Let’s watch the ________________. Sunday bored Me do do free do some reading interesting usually cartoons Shall Monkey King What do you do when you have free time? I_____ when I have free time. I_____ when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? 小组接力比赛,哪组完成的时间快、好为胜。 What do you do when you have free time? I usually_


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